Saturday, July 24, 2010

Our Trip to California - Part 1

We jetted off to Sacramento a couple of weeks ago. We loaded the new family truckster with kids and a dog and off we went. The dog normally travels well but for some reason not this trip. He sat in the middle seat and breathed on Anthony and I. Steve stayed home and flew up later to see us. He spent the day with us then off to his parents for a few days. I will post those pictures tomorrow. I will admit, it was nice Anthony could drive. I even fell asleep for a little while.


We had grand ideas of things we wanted to do. The most important thing that we all agreed on was: There would be no cooking. Here in our little town we don't have much in the way of restaurants or fast food places. So we made plans to hit them all. I bought the cutest pair of shorts to wear while we were visiting. I couldn't wear them because of the extra weight I put on. The picture above is in front of Jelly Belly. The lines where long, the kids where crazy but it was a good time.

The boys playing video games. His room looks clean here.

When we left Oregon, our temperatures had not yet hit 80 degrees. Oh man, they hit that high and higher in Sacramento. Jason lived in the neighbors pool and my parents jacuzzi. Poor Cheddar, he is say,"Dear God, it's hot. LET ME IN!!!!"


The pool, thank you Dave for the unlimited use of your pool.

I did some shopping at stores we don't have around here. Jason was not pleased that one of my stops was at a teachers store. I really loaded up. Can't wait to start the new school year. HaHaHa

These next couple of pictures will be called "Was that my phone."

Anthony had to be away from his girlfriend. The actually hardly saw each other the first 6 weeks of summer break. She had her camps and he had his. Then both where off to see grandparents. This week they have made up for lost time.

"Is that my phone??"

"Maybe it's my Moms."

"No one calls my Mom. I better go check."

My birthday cake. This is a wonderful cake from Cheesecake Factory. I wish I could say it was the only cheesecake we had this trip but it wasn't. We celebrated Andrews birthday to. Two birthday's, two cakes. I also had a cake at Steve's parents house. No wonder why my shorts don't fit. This is half peanut butter and chocolate and the other half is white chocolate and raspberry. Ummmmmm.

Not a good picture of me, but gotta love Megan.

Megan and her pale Danny. I think Danny was glad to see us go.


We had such a great time. My Dad fixed computers and sent us home with a couple of new ones. I love his face when he sees just how many pictures I have on these things. After he added the second hard drive I asked if he could put in a third. He said, no one could fill up the 2 hard drives. Oh yes I can. I didn't get the 3rd hard drive, just a couple of eye rolls.

Tomorrow I will post pictures from our visit with Steve's parents and his sisters family.

Lazy Days Of Summer

I don't think so. We just got back from a trip back to Sacramento. I have lots of pictures to share but not today. I am uploading them as I speak.

I do have some soccer pictures to share. Megan is only going to play in 4 soccer games this summer season. I didn't realized that that U15 and U19 only play in July. It's a crazy season with 3 to 4 games a night. Then you need to add Jason's game's into the mix.

Anyway, we had planned the trip to Sac not realizing she would be missing most of her games. However we will be making up for it come fall with select soccer. We will be back in Walla Walla every weekend.

Any way here are some pictures from the last game.

Jason is doing really good. He first was ready to drop out but has changed his mind.







As I go to post Megan's pictures I realized that I didn't upload them. It's going to be one of those days.

DJ update. It took awhile but the two of them got together. He hasn't changed much just gotten taller. I have some pictures of them as well, but those are still hanging out in my camera.

Anyway, that is all for today. I am catching up on emails, doing laundry, dishes, Moms Club stuff and VBS starts next week. I am doing the snack station and need to get that stuff together.

Enjoy your lazy days of summer.

Monday, July 05, 2010

4th of July

I hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July. This time of year always makes us miss our families back in California. It also made me a little sad. Steve wasn't here because he had to work. But it really wasn't that. It really made me realize just how much my kids are growing up.

Jason still sat in my lap and watched the fireworks with me, but best friend Joey was sitting with us. Megan totally blew us off and sat with some of her friends. Anthony, who as a little guy had to sit in my lap while I covered his ears. This year sat on the blanket with us, but behind me with his girlfriend.

I know it happens, they get older. That means that I am getting older as well. I don't like that.