Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy News Years

There is just no way for me to sum up the craziness of the last year. So here it is in some of my favorite pictures.

Have a wonderful New Years and I hope that 2009 brings good things.

2008 in pictures

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

I can't say it enough to Vern. We have gotten well over 7 inches of snow on top of what we had. Right now we have an ice snow mix coming down and it is yukky.

Vern has a snow blower and he has been doing the side walks for me. It's the kind of weather that you shovel the walks, turn around and it is covered again. Anthony and I had to shovel the car out this morning and you can't even tell that we did it.

I am getting ready to go out and do the back yard right now. I learned the hard way, you can't ignore it. It becomes ice and I don't like sliding to the car. Here are a couple of pics.

Backyard. I am standing in the door way.


The front, again I am on the porch.
And down the street

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Day After

My kitchen has been put back together and the living room sort of. There is only so much you can do with Rock Band and Wii in the middle of stuff. I had a real problem going on with my camera for the last couple of weeks. Steve remembered that one of Anthony's friends was checking it out and started pushing buttons. Thank God for reset buttons. She made so many changes I would have never figured it out. Now it is working right again.

Needless to say, I figured this out last night. Most of the pic's I took during the day are not very good. So here are a couple that did work.

Christmas Eve Mass, this is our little choir. Two girls didn't show up, and me and N (in the back) will be having a little talk.

The Kids are various stages of unwrapping presents.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Aftermath

The house is in ruins. Pieces and parts to toys, games, clothes and a whole bunch of other stuff all over the place. It is hard to believe that just yesterday I was thinking just how nice the place looked.

It was another Christmas success. The kids are pleased with the gifts and so are the adults. However, I will point out that the Nikon didn't make it under the tree. Oh well, there is always my birthday.

Tonight I am tired. I woke up yesterday with Megans pink eye and Steve's cold. Jason was so excited last night that he woke me up every couple of minutes asking "is it time yet." He said the last time he remembered asking was 2am. I guess that must be what time we both finally fell asleep.

Right now I am thinking about telling everyone good night. Taking the DVD's Santa brought me (White Christmas, Holiday Inn and It's a Wonderful Life) and going to bed. In fact that sounds like a really good idea.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.

Merry Christmas

We are wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

We miss being able to spend it with you. This time of the year is always difficult not being able to be with our families. But as I have always said, you are welcome here any time. If you where here, you would be enjoying a white Christmas.

All the gifts are wrapped and under the tree. Cookies are baked and fudge is made. Tomorrow I will be getting up early and hitting the grocery store to get some last minute items for Christmas dinner. I will be baking a Buche De Noel (Yes, I have been watching the food network) and a cheese cake for Christmas dessert. Homemade cinnamon rolls for during the present opening, and a wonderful casserole for after the presents. Ham and all the trimmings for dinner. Yummmm!!!!

Christmas eve we will go to the family mass at the church. Jason will be signing in the choir and Steve with the kids will be doing alter service. I might help out but generally I hang back and help with whatever needs to be done. Charlene knows she can count on me to help with whatever needs to be done last minute. Usually I help keep the choir under control. Plus, I can't be on the alter and taking pictures at the same time. Somehow, I don't think Fr. C would approve. After mass, we head home, quickly change cloths and then off to the movies. I know it sounds strange, but we started doing this once we moved away from CA.

Steve's parents always have a big party on Christmas eve. The first year we moved it felt really strange not have a party to go to. We ended up at the mall watching all the people last minute shop. We decided to take the kids to a movie and we have done it ever since.

I am sure I will have pictures of the chaos. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow Snow Snow

it wouldn't be long until there's snow. Quick, what movie is that from? One of my favorite holiday movies. It is also not a song that needs to be sung here. We have gotten a lot of snow over the past 2 weeks. We are not shut down like Portland and other places like that. Us mountain people can handle a few inches or feet depending on where you are standing at the time. I am not going to complain about the snow because at least it is not below zero anymore. I can live without that. It is beautiful today but the next storm is coming.

Here are some pictures from sledding the other day. Two blocks from the house is a hill that the city shuts down so the kids can sled.

Just kidding, she had a good day.
Jason, trying to get more speed, amazed that he didn't hit those two rocks.


Anthony is to cool for this baby hill. Look he isn't having any fun.


Megan was proving to the boys in her class that she is afraid of nothing.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dear Megan

If you are reading my blog to see if I posted about your Christmas present, you can forget it. I am on to you, my little lotus blossom. You can stop with your trick questions. It's not going to work, I am better at this then you. I can't be fooled.

Now get back to your homework and stay off the computer.

I love you!!!!!


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More Updates

and a video. Jason had his school Christmas program last night and what a ham that kid is. He doesn't get it from me. He was really upsetting the two girls next to him then finally the little blond started laughing at him. They are two peas in a pod. The other girl told him that he was ruining the whole show and he told her to "Deal with it". This video is the last song they preformed that night. Megan is doing the video taping so it is really jumpy. Plus she was laughing at him to.

Megan has been home for the last 2 days because of pink eye. What a great thing to have, poor kid. It is getting ready to start snowing again. We are suppose to get another couple of inches with 40 mph winds. Great, so that means that between the wind and ice my car will just blow off the road.

Santa travels through here on a UP train and lucky for us he stops to say hi. We are going to head over there and see him. Jason needs to make sure Santa knows how much he really wants a WII.

I have spent a lot of time talking about how I am simplifying my Christmas. Megan and I just found some cookies that look too yummy. They have been added to the cookie list. I tell you, I just keep adding stuff.

Have a good day.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My To Do List

Don't worry I am not going to post it here. That would just be to stressful for me. I am just happy that I got to cross off something on my to do list. So the plan is tomorrow my Christmas letter will go in the mail. I know how much people are waiting by their mail boxes for the last update in our lives.

Tonight we are going to Jason's school Christmas program. He is so excited, he keeps asking me if its time to leave yet.

I caught Megan on this blog checking to see if I posted what she is getting for Christmas. It's kind of a funny story but I can't post it because she is watching. The little rat.

Today our weather warmed up to 9 degrees. Tomorrow with the wind chill it supposed to be -17 and another couple of inches of snow. Yeah for us. I haven't taken many pictures because it is too flipping cold.

That is it for now, just a quick update. Plus my hands are too cold to keep typing. Keeping a house that is over 100 years old warm is a bit challenging.

Megan- get off the computer.......

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Has it really been that long

I guess it has. I don't really have an excuse. I always have a lot to say.

This is going to be quick because I am supposed to be getting ready for a youth group event right now. It is also snowing and we have about an inch on the ground already. The first snow of the season always makes driving a little slower.

I wanted to post a couple of pictures from the Church Christmas program. Jason had a speaking part this year and he played a shepperd. Megan of course was the king. We had three kids from our preschool there too and they did fantastic.

Here is my little shepperd

It's good to be the king. Sorry, a quote form "History of the World".

I will have more pictures later, but I need to get moving.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

A New Christmas Perspective

Last year around this time, I sprained my shoulder. It left me flat on my back for a week and I really didn't gain all the use of my shoulder back until after the new year some time. I don't have to tell you that a week out of commission before Christmas can be a bit stressful. Steve and the kids really came through for me that week. One of the things they kept telling me, was everything will get down and it will be fine. You know what, it was fine.

One of the things I learned last Christmas was to let go of some of my control. I let the kids each have a pick of what cookie or candy they couldn't live without. Steve got a choice too. Then told them, if they wanted it, they could help me bake it. They did and it was a blast. I didn't let Steve help me but that is another story. I relied on the kids to help me decorate the house and let them help decide where to put things. Not where I would have put them but it turned out great. I cut way back on the Christmas crafts and the ones I did do for the teachers the kids helped with. Again, it was a great way to spend some one on one time with the kids. It is amazing what I learned about Megan while working with her on a craft project.

I guess my whole point of this post is, that Christmas is about spending time with the people we love. Some Christmas stress can't be avoided but most of it we bring on ourselves. No one in this house missed the dozens of cookies I didn't bake or noticed that frosty's hat was not blinking. They are however still talking about sleeping on the floor in our bedroom and watching Christmas Story on TV, and that I was with them watching because I wasn't still finishing up some little detail that just had to be done.

So this holiday season, join me in stepping back and enjoying the season.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone is enjoying today. Steve will be home tomorrow so that is when we will be celebrating. Today me and the kids are going to go see the movie Bolt.

Tomorrow me and the kids will be getting up early to be at Walmart. Our list is long. Anthony wants to dig out the walkie talkies so we can split up and shop. I love that kid.

I need to get moving and get some pies done. I make sure everyone has their favorite one. Thank goodness that means I only have to bake two different kinds. Megan is helping me with one of them. She is a crack up to bake with.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and we miss everyone.


Monday, November 24, 2008

That Time of Year

Turkey thawing out, picking out pictures for Christmas cards, deciding what dishes to cook for Thanksgiving and a sick kid on the couch. Yep, it's the beginning of the holiday season. Although it is usually me who gets sick this time of year.

Poor Megan is home with strep throat. A trip to the doctor and a couple of shots, she is home on the couch and watching TV. Her dad is curled up on the other couch watching TV with her and giving her moral support. OK, he is just watching TV.....

We got out last weekend to take some pictures for our Christmas cards. We finally had a weekend with OK weather and everyone was home. Not an easy thing to do in this house. I only got 80 pictures because I ran into a problem with my camera. Santa......are you listening. I know, 80 pictures seems like a lot but I usually take around 200. It usually takes that many to get some good usable ones. You try to take a good picture of 3 kids. I can't post any of them here because when I went and did a little editing I tripled the size of them. It takes about 1/2 hour to upload 3 pics. I need to go back and fix that.

Anthony is mending well. He has been through 3 practices and hasn't had a new injury. So, hopefully that will be the end of the injury's for this sport. We still have baseball to go.

Jason will be singing a solo in the family Christmas eve mass this year. This will be his third year singing in the choir. I asked him if he was going to be nervous and he said "Why, I have a beautiful voice." I can't argue with that. He gets his modesty from his father.

I will post some pictures later this week. Everyone who is traveling this Thanksgiving, be safe.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


What a crazy day. I am not going to rehash it because it makes me tired all over again.

I think I mentioned somewhere that Anthony has started wrestling again. He really wanted to take the winter off, so he didn't try out for basketball. So instead he lets himself get talked into joining the wrestling team.

Friday night during practice he gets hit in the nose and fractures it. Nothing serious, just some bruising and a little black eye. He says it is feeling better today. The Doctor didn't seem to concerned about it.

Yesterday, however, they where practicing a new move. His friend picks him up then they both fall the floor. Anthony landed on J's closed fist.

So he complains that his side hurts. When we finally take a look, it really looks like he broke some ribs. Up to the ER he goes (at 9:30pm) and it's not his ribs. The swelling is coming from just above his spleen. In to a cat scan to make sure his spleen is ok. The good news is that everything is fine. He has a rib contusions (bruised ribs) and an abdominal muscle strain. Thank God, it could have been much worse. He took today off from school because they didn't get home until 1:30am.

So, how long is he out of wrestling? Today and that is it. The doctor said the best thing to do was get right back to practicing. Steve talked to the coach and he feels terrible. Hey, it's sports and injuries happen. I would just prefer they don't happen to my son.

All of this has happened the first week of practice. I am not going to make it through the rest of the season. It ends in February, in case you are wondering.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Fall Ball

Last night was Anthony's first Prom. The high school here doesn't do a formal homecoming, they have a dance right after the game but nothing formal. The first big formal is the Fall Ball and one where the girls ask the boys. Steve and I laughed at the girls who are all stressed out about this. For me, asking a boy to a dance was just one of those things we did. I went to an all girls school, if you wanted a date for the dance you had to ask.

The weeks leading up to the dance was a little odd. Anthony had no idea what was going to happen. Are going out for dinner? Is she picking you up? What time does it start? Can you where dress pants or do you need a tux? Do you know your first name? All followed by a shoulder shrug and some mumbling that makes no sense.

So needless to say, she calls with some sketching details last night at 6pm, two hours before the dance and says she will meet him there. She calls again at 8 and says I am here and I got you a boutonniere. "Mom she got me a boutonniere, what's that?" Oh crap, we forgot the flowers. Off to Safeway to find something. Poor kid trying to help us doesn't know a thing about flowers. I grab a vase, rip out the flowers, Steve jumps behind the counter finds something to wrap this up with. We tie a ribbon around it and the whole time Anthony is looking at us like we are nuts. The cashier tells him, "Whatever you do, don't tell her that you forgot to buy her flowers."

After all is said and done, he had a great time and is glad he went. I haven't heard all the details yet because he spent the night at his friends house last night.
Fall Ball
Yes Dad that is Grestle Cove. Sorry you miss Megans socks. I have to admit, I like that picture.

Friday, November 07, 2008

I Love Fridays

Mostly because it is my day off. Jason is the only one with school today the other two are off for parent teacher conferences.

Both Megan and Anthony's conferences went really well. Megan went through a really rough part with everything that happened with DJ, but she seems to have gotten over it. She has pulled up all her grades and she is finally be allowed back on the computer. She has spent over a month without computer access.

She went to her first school dance. I warned her that the girls all dance together while the boys will do stupid and goofy stuff for your attention. I was right. She said that she danced with her friends because the boys kept tackling each other. Finally the love of the week asked her to dance. I wish I could post his name here because it is the funniest name I have ever heard. Anyway, he asked her to dance, she said yes, then he was tackled by one of his friends. He asked her to dance again, she says yes but that she doesn't know how to dance. He says, "that's ok, I think all we need to do is start jumping up and down." So that's what they did. My baby is starting to grow up. She even bought the "Twilight" book and we have a poster of Edward Cullan in her room. Read the book and you will understand.

Anthony's conferences went really well too. It is amazing what the promise of a drivers license can do. He is super excited that he will be making the honor roll this year. This is a very big deal with all his dyslexia struggles. While we where at the middle school, we where chased down by the high school wrestling coach. He wants Anthony to wrestle again and A has really been dragging his feet. We got to meet his English teacher who is a wrestling coach and of course the football/baseball coach is also a wrestling coach. So needless to say the little creep signed up for wrestling. Mannnnn, I thought we where going to have the winter off. Oh well, now we get to travel the snow covered roads to wrestling matches. Yeahhhhhh, A different sport for me to take pictures of.

That is it for now. Have a good weekend.

EDITED TO ADD: Sorry forgot to add my daily blood pressure check. 48 more days until Christmas. HEHEHE

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Bad Day To Be A Republican

Yep, that's right, everything Steve and I voted for pretty much went down in flames. Steve even lost his bid for Attorney General. Let me explain - we didn't like any of the choices for Attorney General so I wrote in Steve's name. He liked the idea and wrote his name too. Needless to say, He didn't win.

There where some things here locally that I am was really sorry didn't pass. It boils down to the economy and our schools here are really suffering. It has been very eye opening to see first hand what small town schools go through. But, it is rough all over, not just here.

No matter which way the Presidential election went, it was historic and I am proud to be apart of it. I am so glad this election is over.

Does anyone know what the Attorney General does?????

Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween everyone!!!

It has been a crazy day and evening. It is 7:00 pm as I write this and it doesn't look like the craziness is going to let up anytime soon.

We started the day at Jason's school for a costume parade and party.
Think he has had enough sugar already.

Then it was off to the downtown area for some trick or treating. The street shuts down and all the merchants stay open to hand out candy.

Here is Megan, Jason and Dar-Chi, one of Jason's friends.
Megan quickly blew us off and hung out with her friends. This is a look at the downtown area and yes those are storm clouds in the distance.
Jason getting candy at the movie theater.
This is a lot of fun and we usually run into all kinds of people that we know. Anthony wasn't with us, he worked at getting the carnival set up at the high school. He is working there tonight. Steve and Jason just took off to head there and then off to the college dorms. The college kids decorated the dorms and hand out candy.

I have to say this has been one of the warmest Halloween we have had since leaving California. Last year it was in the 20's and the year before it was down around 15 degrees. Tonight it was in the 50's which is sweet shirt weather for us.

This picture is of Megan, right after I told her that if her pumpkin is inappropriate it would not go on the porch. Well, her pumpkin is very boarder line. If I get a good picture of it, I will post later.
And because I feel bad that I have no pictures of Anthony tonight, here is one from yesterdays game. They lost big time.
Have a happy Halloween and remember only 55 days until Christmas.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Steve's Pumpkin

So....what do you think of Steve's pumpkin?

Steve's Pumpkin

Monday Monday ......

You can finish the rest of the song on your own. The kids at school today where nuts. Can't wait until next Monday after they spent the weekend loaded up on sugar. lol

Steve is home today and is working on pumpkins with the kids. I will have pictures tomorrow, of course. I didn't do much cooking yesterday and I am making up for it today. Jason made me feel bad, because I have not finished his "Pasta salad with cheese and olibes." His words not mine.

Other then that, a pretty mellow Monday around here. Then again, it is only 3:30 and I am still waiting for two more to come home. Who know what they will bring.

Enjoy your Monday.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

47 - 0

Yes that was the final score of the homecoming football game. And no we did not score the 47. The other team also spray painted our goal posts purple. Not a good night for the tigers. There is always next year.

Today I am spending most of the day in the kitchen. I need to get my freezer stocked. Plus, I promised the kids some of their fall favorite treats. Carmel apples, pumpkin bread, peanut butter and chocolate cookies (OK, that one is mine) and some other things. I am also starting to think about what I am doing for Christmas this year. Last year I sprained my shoulder 3 weeks before Christmas and my baking suffered. My lovely sweet nephew said he understood, but you could hear the disappointment in his voice when he found out there would be no "Aunt Chris's famous Peanut Brittle".

Enough with the Christmas talk. I am going to start stressing myself out about it and it's not even Halloween yet. I should start stressing out that we don't have our pumpkins done and my decorations are still a box in the middle of my living room. We did go to the pumpkin patch yesterday and here are some pictures of that. The pumpkin patch and maze is located on Anthony's football coach's parents place. They do a very cute job and it was a lot of fun.


Teenagers are good for something. I didn't have to carry this thing.
Megan, not in a good mood and would not smile for a picture. She had her hand up telling me no pictures. I think this one was the best shot of the day.

DSCF6947 This was taken in the maze, and it was a close as Jason would get to it.
pumpkin patch They are plotting what they would like to do to scare kids this Halloween. With the talk of scarring people, Megan's mood started to get better.

Friday, October 24, 2008

What A Morning

I just have to laugh when days start off like this. For the most part everyone this morning was in a good mood. That's not always a good thing. What put my little bundles of joy (and my hubby too) in such a good mood? Our cable station finally got with the program and added a bunch of new channels. We now have the Cartoon Network, which we have been without since moving out of Washington. I could barley get them dressed and out the door. Jason left mumbling in his best zombie voice "must watch TV, must watch TV."

The big homecoming game is tonight. Of course we are going!!! We live in a small town and that is what you do. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a victory tonight, we need it to go to the playoffs. This town has not won a state title since 1976. Between us, I don't see it happening this year either. My son is not on the varsity team, so I can say that.Here are a couple of pics from the homecoming parade the other night. This illustrates my need for a better camera.

My kid is in the white truck.2008_10220008
I had to really edit this picture to be able to see the truck.
There was no hope for this one. Anthony is the one looking like he is going to fall off the truck.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

All Kinds Of Stuff

It has been awhile since I have updated but I have a good reason. The only spare time that I have had has been taken up with sleeping. It has been absolutely crazy around here.
It is homecoming week here and in a small town that is a big deal. It would be bigger if the varsity team was winning games, but that is another story. Anthony will point out that both the Freshmen and JV have been doing pretty good. Of course, he is on both teams. According to the team, coach's and Dads it's a rebuilding year. Isn't that what they always say when they are losing.
For spirit week, the kids where supposed to dress up as something from the game Monopoly.
I think I mention that Megan is done with soccer. Here are a couple of more pictures of her. She usually played goalie the first half then forward the second half.
I just thought this one was funny.
Here is one of Jason, because he is just so stinking cute.
Other updates:
My job is going well, and I am starting to really enjoy it. I do miss my free time and the house looks like a bomb went off. Oh Well....

Megan finally heard from DJ. He likes his new house, likes San Diego, glad they have lots of candy and hates his new school. Sounds like the same old DJ. Megan is much happier now that she has talked to him. You can tell they really miss each other and school vacation's are going to be tough. I can tell my phone bill is going to go up.

Steve has finally agreed with me that I need a new camera. While I love mine it just doesn't cut it in low lighting. Now we just need to agree on which one I should get. There is a $700 difference between the two different cameras up for discussion. Believe it or not, the one Steve thinks I should get is the more expensive of the two. Both are of the Nikon family. I have wanted a Nikon since I was 16 years old. Anyone interested in what I want for Christmas?

Friday, October 17, 2008

A Week In Review

It's been one of those weeks around here. Thank goodness select soccer is over. No more driving 1 1/2 hours to a soccer game every weekend.

Anthony finishes up football in the next couple of weeks and baseball will start right on it's heals. He is being worked over pretty good by his old wrestling coach. As soon as he heard Anthony wouldn't be playing basketball he was all over him to start wrestling again. Of course being the good mother that I am, said "whatever you want my dear child." While the whole time I am thinking, please please please let him take the winter off from a sport. In reality, high school football never ends.

Steve's Dad's surgery went well and he is feeling much better. He is a lot happier being out of the hospital and back home. Doreen is working on fattening him back up. Steve is happy to offer some advice in that department. Sorry Steve, it was there...... :)

My Aunt Dorothy's funeral is this Monday. I am really feeling bad that I can't be there. She was like a grandmother to me and I will miss her. Family is starting to arrive from out of town which is very good for my Uncle. When all is said and done, my mother needs a vacation. You are always welcome up here.

I am working on getting some soccer and football pictures uploaded but I have just been to tired to work on them. We now have 4 kids at the preschool, which makes it a lot of fun. We have an open house scheduled for this Sunday and Tuesday. We are really hoping to add another little boy. We only have one in class right now.

Ok that is all I have for now. My friend is coming up to visit tomorrow with her family and I need some sleep. I have evidently been a little bit cranky the last couple of days.

Have a good weekend.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Aunt Dorothy

She lived a full good life and touched the hearts of everyone who knew her.
We love you and you will very missed.DSCF0018
Picture taken at Uncle Bud's 90th birthday 2 years ago. She is the one in pink her favorite color.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Joke From Jason

Why does the banana Peel????

Because he didn't where any sunscreen.....

Get it.....Get it??

Note from Chris:
Admit it, you laughed a little bit

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Another Soccer Season Has Ended

It was a great break in the day for us. The weather was nice and lunch with the team was fun. The girls finished the season by only losing one game and they tied today. They have really come along way.

The news for Steve's Dad wasn't what we where hoping for. I believe that his positive attitude will get him through the next couple of days just like it has for the last couple of months. It's times like this that we wish we lived closer to our families.

I also wish we where there for my Mom and Uncle. My aunt is passing and it is really taking a toll on everyone. She has lived a long and full life but it still doesn't make this time any easier.

Even though we are not there with you guys, we are thinking of you and saying our prayers.

We love you all.

Friday, October 10, 2008


My Dad is doing well, and has to spend the weekend off his leg. Too funny, I told him he can play on his peter and Mom can't yell at him. Well, she can yell at him, just not about the peter.

Still waiting to here about Steve's Dad. We should hear a little bit more this afternoon.

A quick observation: What did we do before cell phones? Steve has got to be going out of his mind. He forgot his at home. So that should be about 2 days without it. LOL

Let's see, what is today's date? October 1oth. Is it really time for snow? That is what we got and it is in the low 30's. None on the ground here but you can see it all around us. According to Farmers Almanac, the Pacific Northwest is in for a long COLD winter. Hey Mom, I am thinking you should visit in November. hehehe

I got some good shots of Anthony's game and I will post those later. Of course, one of the best is a little blurry and I am going to see what I can do with that one.

Have a good Friday, and enjoy your weather you Californians.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Waiting For The Phone To Ring

This is the true bummer of not living close to your family. We are waiting to hear news from both Dads today. My Dad is in surgery and Steve's Dad is having complications from the cancer. You are both in our prayers and we love you very much.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

We Love You

It's my Dad this time who is in need of some prayers. He is having surgery tomorrow and I really wish I could be there.
Good Luck tomorrow and we all love you.

Sunday, October 05, 2008


I had a long post figured out, but I really don't want to do anymore crying.


Saturday, October 04, 2008

Change of Plans

So, we had a major shift in plans this weekend. We decided that Megan would skip her soccer game this weekend and spend it with DJ. We found out that he would be leaving early Tuesday morning. We took him to the movies yesterday and he spent the day with us today. Meg has to go to Confirmation class tomorrow but they can spend the rest of the day together.

The family he is staying with has really relaxed their rules and allowing him to spend all his free time with us. This is going to be very hard to say good bye, but we know that he will be very loved. I can't believe that it has been 4 weeks tonight that his father was killed.

One more thing.... Beverly Hills Chihuahua is a movie worth missing. In my opinion, not the kids. They liked it and I guess that is what matters.

Friday, October 03, 2008

A Long Post and A Long Week

I know, I know it has been a while since I posted. I started working on Monday, it is fun, but it is going to take a little while to get used to. We have one kid in the school right now but we have several others that are thinking about it. It is a little frustrating that there are so many people just not sure about the "Catholic" thing. I don't know what people think us Catholics are going to do their children. Oh Well, what are you going to do?

Let's see where should I start. OK, lets start with Jason.
He is in love. We already talked to him that girl friends are not appropriate at 7 years old. He brought home a note from his new love. In the note she says that she has a crush on him and not to show anyone this note. Of course, he showed us. Again we said it's OK to be friends but you are TOO young for a girlfriend. Later he gets upset when he realized that he showed us the note after she said not to. I told him he did the right thing. He says, and I am quoting here "she might get mad at me and break up with me. You guys might be happy about that but it will break my heart." Then he started to cry. I told him that if she is a nice girl she won't get mad. He keeps using the word "relationship." Where is this child getting this stuff. I need to check out what he is watching on TV.

August Visit 2008
Not too much new going on here. Just football, school and youth group. We haven't done too much with the "Shinning" but we are going to put some time in this weekend. I am proud of him because he is having a problem with math and he is going to school early to work with the teacher. It could be that we said his grades had to be good to get a drivers license. He wants to drive really really bad. Amazing enough, he has a science teacher that doesn't believe that global warming is made man.

Megan and DJ too:

Megan is really struggling right now. She has been very emotional and finally broke down last night. DJ is leaving next week. She has been hard at work putting together a comic book for him. I see cartoon drawing in her future. She is really good and her imagination is unbelievable. We have been in contact with DJ's foster family. Let me first say that these people are amazing. There is a special place in heaven for them. She knows how important this friendship is to both kids and assured us that she would not let DJ leave without saying goodbye to Megan. As soon as she knows the date she will let us know. She is also hoping to have a party for the kids.

Megan and I went shopping for gifts for him. I have been taking pictures for an album that is almost done. Well I hope so anyway. Every time I think I have put the last picture in, I come across another one. I know everyone by name at the Walmart photo counter.

Roger, Steve's Dad:
He is doing really well and please keep him in your prayers. For Doreen as well. Roger has a good positive attitude going and that is really good.

And last but not least, Steve:
He has been working on getting our dresser refinished. But is having some problems. There are some very fine details in this dresser that are proving to be a challenge. The weather has turned nasty and he doesn't have a spot in the garage to work on it. It is also October which means that hunting season is getting under way. Steve is not a hunter but everyone else is on the RR. So over the next few weeks he will be putting in a lot of time covering turns. He is going to take a little time off next week so that he can go to Jason's parent teacher conference and catch one of Anthony's games. He has yet to make one.

As for me (no pictures) I really don't have all that much going on. Yeah right!
Quick note: right after I typed that last sentence, Jason called because he forgot his homework. "It's treasure box day MOM PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE bring it to me." I did get a big hug from him when I brought it in.
Back to me: hehehe I am teaching First Communion class at the church. Helping with dinners for the high school youth group and filling in to help once a month at the middle school youth groups. Life at night should slow down a little bit because Megan's last soccer game is next weekend. I am also going to do reading groups again for Jason's class. I did step away from Wed lunches at the church but that was the one thing I didn't want to give up. I love working with Charlene and the high school kids. I do have to admit I love being part of the preschool and kindergarten program. I know that this is going to be part of something big. Father Christopher is very optimistic and I love the smile of excitement that he gets when he sees the room.

Our plans for the weekend: Anthony is off to a friends for the night. Megan another soccer game in WA that hopefully Steve will make it back in time for. Tonight we are going to try and get DJ and go see Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Alter service for the kids tomorrow night and Sunday school the next day. With that, I have to say goodbye because I have dishes, laundry and a Sunday school lesson plan that needs to get done. Plus my ipod is full of podcast's about last nights debate that I am dying to listen to.

Have a good weekend.

Monday, September 29, 2008

What A Day

I started working today and boy am I tired. We only have one student registered at the moment, but that will change in the next couple of days. I don't know if people are just holding out and waiting to see what the economy is going to do. I know we kind of are.

Have a good day, I need to get some laundry done.

Friday, September 26, 2008

A Love To Read

I am not sure if I ever mentioned that my oldest Anthony has Dyslexia. He does wear glasses and that helps but reading will always be a struggle for him. Although he can read his football plays with no problem, go figure. To pass English he needs to earn 40 AR points. You earn AR points by reading books and taking the test on them. His theory was to pick a book that is worth a lot of points so all he would have to do is read 2 all semester. The book he chose is worth 25 points, is a long one and very small print. All things that are not necessarily good for him.

One of the things we do is work on the book together. There are a lot of benefits to this. He does love books and it gives him a chance to read books he might not be able to read on his own. I get to read books that I would not necessarily choose. Most important it gives him and I some one on one time that we don't get very often anymore.

Back to the book he choose. He knows that I have a love of GOOD horror books and movies. When I say good I mean, no slash em up types. I mean the good scare the pants off you like the Omens and movies like that. I am a huge fan of Stephen King. I don't read his books much anymore or see to many scary movies because my husband is gone a lot. I am just to old to stay up all night with all the house lights on and a baseball bat with me. I don't know how much a baseball bat would help me if that cute blond kid from "Pet Cemetery" stopped by to play WIFFFF me. You would understand if you saw the move. Major goose pimples on my arms. lol

Anyway..... The kid chose to read "The Shinning" by Stephen King. I have read the book along time ago and it lead to several weeks of not sleeping. I also own the movie that Steve and I watch at least once a year. We also watch all three "Omens" at Halloween time. Anthony thinks this is all too funny. Megan wants to read it with us and of course I said no way. "You are wwway to young." I was at least 11 (crap) when I read "Amityville Horror" and 12 when I saw "The Shinning" for the first time. Was I really that young when I started reading this stuff? My first Stephen King novel was the summer before I started 7th grade. Good Lord what where my parents thinking? HEHEHE

Again Anyway........I will keep you posted about how this book goes. Probably at 3:15 am in the morning when I can't sleep. Oh wait, not 3:15 NEVER that time. "Amityville Horror" anyone, the book not the movie.

Thanks MOM!!!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

No Housework Done Here

There is no housework being done here. I can admit this because Steve never reads my blog. Instead I played with a picture of Anthony. I need to start working on some more of my picture taking skills and my photoshop skills. Or Gimp because I refuse to pay Photoshop prices.

Have a good day. And if you do read this Steve, I was just kidding. All I do is dishes, laundry and dream of you. :)

A at Park 2

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Weekend Report

I know it's Tuesday but it's the first chance I had to sit down and blog. Well, I should really be doing something else. I am going to be spending most of today making various zucchini recipe's. Yummmmm, I love zucchini bread and bars and zucchini is about the only thing that did wll in my garden this year. It just never really warmed up enough. Oh well, next year I will have my green house up and working.

Lets start with Friday. I do believe that was the calm before the storm. I worked on laundry and unfortunately I didn't check Anthony's pants. He was really tired from Thursday nights game and just threw his jeans in the basket. I ended up washing both his cell phone (this is his third) and his Ipod. Both are dead and we are looking into fixing the Ipod. He saved money from his Philly trip to buy that and I feel terrible. We we are not to worked up about the phone it was on its way out.

Saturday we where off to WA for Megan's Soccer game which they won 8-0. Rushed back home to get ready for the birthday party sleep over. She put it off until school started so she could invite all her friends. We had to push it back a couple of weeks because of D. Speaking of D, I took the two of them for the last bit of birthday shopping I still had to do. The two of them together in a store are such a pain. It was sad to watch how well they get along, how well they know each other and knowing that this is coming to an end this weekend. Anyway back to the party. 9 girls may still have been to many. Megan at one point asked me "why is everyone yelling." Megan has two groups of friends. The ones that are just like her. They would rather be thinking up some crazy game and sleeping outside. The other group (who makes up a lot of her soccer team) are the plastic's (her words not mine). The ones who are into boys, hair is perfect and texting on their cells. Megan is friends with both groups but the groups don't mix very well. However, they did well and the party was fun. She got some very cool and unique gifts. She even got a very cool marshmallow stick with a bag of marshmallows.

Sunday was the first day I started helping at the Sunday school. I am just a helper this year not a teacher and that is fine by me. They decided to cancel 1st communion class for the 2nd graders. It was a teacher issue. Charlene never anticipated how upset these 7 year olds where going to be. My son included. So they found a new teacher and it looks like a go. Here is the funny part. We had a youth mass that night and Father Christopher brought all the youth up on the alter (my 3 included). He asked them questions about stuff you see in the mass. All the older kids new the answers but it was Jason who was doing all the answering. So at the end of this Father Christopher hugged Jason and said you will make a fine priest. Yesterday during a church meeting the subject of 1st Communion class came up. Father Christopher looked at me and said that he couldn't have his future priest not receive communion on time. lol

I think that is it for now. Anthony appears not to have damaged any more brain cells. Although sometimes it's hard to tell. Ahhh yes, the teenage years. I need to get moving and get my oven turned on. It dropped below freezing last night and was 53 during the game. My house is COLD.

Here are some pics from the party.

Jason the door greeter:

Her Cake, toooo much frosting:

Pizza time:

Bed time: Not the greatest picture