Monday, April 21, 2008

Pictures From Soccer

Here are some pictures from this weekend. In case you are keeping track, we got over an inch of snow last night and it is still falling. Winter just doesn't want to go away.

Megan Catching yet another ball. What a goalie!!!
Dad giving her some advice and checking out a hurt hand.
Jason in a rare picture. They had a great playground and he hung out there. We saw him only when he was hungry. You can see the hot chocolate on his face.
Megan and the girls. The girl in the white shirt is actually shorter then Megan.
What a cutie. We never go any where without the football.
Megan was bored and playing in the sand.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Soccer Saturday

The game was an 1 1/2 away and it was COLD. It is normally a lot warmer there then here but not this weekend. Oh, and by the way, it is snowing here. The girls played 4 40 minute games. It makes for a very long day, but there isn't going to be many of these Saturdays. Megan will only have one more because she will be in Portland for the last one. I took a ton of pictures and got some really great one. I will post those later because I have a house that needs some attention today. Steve made it to 3 of the 4 games then we got a pizza and went back to his hotel and hung out with him for a couple of hours. He had been dead headed into town and was waiting for his train. Sorry, RR talk there.

I was trying to get a video of her doing a dance that she had been doing all day. This is what I got instead.

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Week is Almost Over

and I for one am glad. It's been both a good and bad week but I am going to focus on the good because thats what I want to do.

Lets start with my youngest. He had an eye appointment that he was very nervous about. I don't know why, he had so much fun there. He acted like he was in an arcade, but let me start from the beginning. We walk in and he goes right to the kids glasses and starts picking out the ones he likes (this kid has good taste). He modeled them for people in the waiting room. He gets to go in and be tested on some of the different machines and he is so excited that he had the girl laughing so hard. She hasn't worked with many kids. His words "This is so cool, just like a video game." We go to the next room with the really big machines and he REALLY liked those. I had to explain to both the girl and the Doctor that you can not ask him if the words are blurry. Of course, his answer will be yes, because he wants glasses. The Doctor does determine that the kid needs reading glasses. At this news, Jason jumps out of the chair, high fives the doctor, opens the door to yell to Julie (the sales girl) "I need them", she yells back "Lets go get them", he runs down the hall (big smile on his face) grabs the pair he really wants, sits down to get fitted and smiles until he finds out that it might take 2 weeks to get them. He was not happy with this news and she promised to call him as soon as they come in. Every day after school he has come home asking about his glasses. We'll see how he feels in a couple of weeks. Of course, pictures will follow.

Speaking of pictures, I have found another photographer in my family. Anthony, has really taken to photo editing. I have been having a good time showing him some of the different programs I have. He has done a really good job editing a couple. He has always been good with colors. When he was little he would go to the fabric store and help me pick out quilt fabric. He wants a new camera and has the same taste as I do. Let's just say it's going to be a little while.

Did I just mention my camera. Well, I have a new toy for it. Stop rolling your eyes, you know who you are. I guess I have mention a couple of times to a few people my strong desire for this. Finally Steve said "Buy the damn thing." So of course me being me, said Nahhhh I don't really need it. hehehe I was ordering our plane tickets to Sacramento and was getting very frustrated with the different airlines and this current airplane situation. After hours of trying to book a flight that didn't first go to Dallas, I decided I need to buy something for myself before I went postal. I bought myself a GorillaPod. A What?? Yes, a GorillaPod. It is a very cool tripod for your camera. Its really small so it will fit in my camera bag. The great thing about this is it's legs are flexible and you can use it on uneven surfaces. You can wrap the legs around a tree and it will stay. You can shape it all kinds of different ways, because Megan has played with it more then me. I did take pictures to share. I plan on taking tons of pics in Sac (I did finally book our flights) and of course this little guy is going with us. I do have a big tripod that I use, but I don't want to take that with us on hikes. I was a little bummed that it only comes in gray. The smaller one comes in lots of colors and I really wanted a blue one. Oh well.
DSCF0004 DSCF3362

DSCF3363 DSCF3364
So, thats all I have for now. I want to go outside and enjoy the sun, because we are suppose to have snow again next week.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Yeahhh Snow

The weather for the last couple of days has been beautiful, but that is over. Today it is snowing and snowing hard. It is supposed to snow tomorrow too. Gotta love spring. Yesterday was a really nice day. I taught Megan's Sunday school class and had fun. We talked about the 8th commandment (the one about lying). At first they kids where kind of quite but after a little bit I got a lot of questions. Megan decided to plead the 5th and not ask any questions. Anthony and his little group earned $60.00 for their camp.

They had a special youth mass last night at 6pm. It was a great mass, they did a wonderful job. The music was very upbeat and they even had a blues song for the end. Father Christopher encouraged the kids to clap and sing loud. Jason and Megan where dancing and clapping. We had a small group there but the singing was louder then the regular Sunday mass. They are hoping to do more of these masses to keep the youth interested. The church also had a dinner after for the families. Very nice not having to cook.

I woke up yesterday with Jason's cold. I am keeping my fingers crossed the he and I get better quickly. We can't go to Sacramento sick and we don't want that to happen. Yesterday, Anthony ran into the house to say his skin was burning. He pulls off his shirt and sure enough he has a couple of bits on his chest and back. I guess when he pulled his shirt off it must of knock the very angry spider into his pants. All of a sudden Anthony jumps in the air, lands on his back, screaming that he is being bit. Strips off all his clothes and stands buck naked in front of our window yelling get it off me. Well, needless to say, we never found the spider. The poor kid ended up with seven bits that start at his chest and end with his boom boom. After it was all over and we realized he was going to be ok, we both started laughing. I need to ask the lady next door, who happened to be raking her yard, if she saw the naked dance going on.

It's that time to start the baseball practice shuffle, a dance I will prefect over the next couple of weeks. Anthony found out what team he is on. It's a good one. Fun kids and more important, fun parents.

Have a good Monday.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Relaxing Saturday

I didn't have any place I had to be at today. Well, except for Dutch Bros., Coffee. It was their 1 yr annv and every drink was $1.00. I took Steve there at 6:30am for his favorite coffee and then the kids and I for some smoothies. It was a nice treat. After I took Steve to work I came back home curled up in bed and watched tv. The ultimate luxury is dozing on and off while watching tv.

Anthony is once again involved in more fundraisers. One for football, where he and his team collect names of people that want there windows washed then the team does it. They do this the first weekend in May. The money Anthony earns goes to camp, spirit packs or equipment that he needs. I was a little bit shocked at how much everything is going to cost. The other fund raiser is a lot loser organized. A bake sale at the church after mass for the next few weeks. So he and I made some muffins and coffee cakes. This money goes to camp this summer. It sounds like so much fun. It's a Catholic camp and the will go hiking and white water rafting. Megan doesn't want to go because she has Girl Scout camp two days later.

Jason is not feeling very good today. He isn't running a fever, but he is very whinny and needy. I am teaching Sunday school tomorrow so I need to plan a lesson tonight. It's Megan's class and she has been giving me tips on what to do. I am going to wrap this up so I can finish a few things and go watch a movie and cuddle my kid.

Good night.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Feels like Spring - Finally

Anthony has been out of school for the last two days for parent teacher conferences. He is doing really good in school and we couldn't be happier. We decided today to take him for a nature hike. It always amazes me how different the kids act when they have us to themselves. Anthony (and us too) had a good time. The joke was that if we spot a bear all they had to do was run faster then me. That would be easy because I would probably stop to take a picture. Speaking of pictures, I did get a lot of fun ones. It's really the first time at taking shots of birds, but I did get some hawks and geese. We thought the wind kicked up a bunch of leaves but it was really a ton of butterfly's. Very cool. This is a picture of one of the butterflies I spotted. Anthony was with me when I was taking it and it was very difficult for him to stay still and quite long enough for me to take some shots.
Another of Anthony, not sure what he is planing. It was so nice to be outside in the sunshine. I am not counting on it staying around, but will enjoy while it last.
Tonight is the girl scout Father Daughter Dinner Dance and it is a masquerade ball. As I write this they are there. Steve called to tell me they are having a problem with the sound system, so the girls are running and playing tag in their dresses. I wish Steve had the camera, but I really don't trust him with it. Ask him how many lunch boxes, jackets and flashlights have been left on trains. Megan looks nervous in these pictures and has been acting strange all day. Her old GS leader will be there and this woman is a piece of work. It's a long story and it just makes me mad to think about it, but Megan is scared of her and doesn't want to be in the same room with this woman. Complaining (myself and another Mom talked to the head office) doesn't help we where just blown off as trouble makers. Thank Goodness for Sue & Terri, Megan's new leaders. Both women are wonderful and Megan loves them. They have restored my faith in GS. Well, enough of that.
Father Daughter Dinner Dance

Father Daughter Dinner Dance

Father Daughter Dinner Dance
All of us are looking forward to the last Saturday we can sleep in. Soccer starts next weekend. Have a good evening.

p.s. Megan made the masks for her and her Dad.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Anthony's Cutting Board

This is what Anthony made in his wood shop class. I am very impressed. He was working on a baseball bat but had a few problems. Now he is making me a quilt holder.



Tuesday, April 08, 2008

One Year Ago

Today..... I started this blog. I didn't actually think I would keep it up but I have. It is so much easier to update then the webpage I had before. Thanks for reading, it has been a lot of fun to do.

The first picture I posted. Last Easter

My little gemstones today

Monday, April 07, 2008

Tired of the snow

I am truly tired of the snow. I am really ready to see some flowers and the trees to start blooming. I am ready for bbq's with friends and family. The big thing is, I want to watch soccer and baseball not wrapped up in a blankets. That being said, I am making a couple of fleece blankets in the school colors just to be sure we will be warm. No matter how warm the days are it is always chilly in the evening here in the spring.

It has been decided we will be making a quick trip to Sacramento. Even though it is not under the best of situations we are really looking forward to seeing everyone. We will be staying at Steve's parents and his sister and family will be there. Best of all, the temp. in Sac is in the 70's. A dream for us. Since Anthony has not been cold enough for a jacket all winter, he will be requiring shorts for the trip.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Love the Spring Weather

The weekend is over and I think I am glad about that. It has been long and a little emotional. After church today I decided we would break out the map and go on a hike. The weather here was sunny and nice. Anthony and I picked out a trail (still sunny) got something to drink (still sunny) put my shoes on (still sunny) opened the door to go to the car (raining) drove two blocks (snowing) decided we where going anyway, drove to the trail entrance (snowing really hard), after a heated discussion with the children decided to go back home (sunny again). I give up, gotta love spring weather.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Spring Cleaning

I have spent most of today doing some spring cleaning. I need to pull down blinds and wash them but I am just not that motivated. I did get the upper half of my closet organized. I need a bigger ladder to really get up in there. We have very high ceiling in this house which makes for great storage in the closets, but you do need to be able to get up in there.

Megan is at a play with her girl scout troop and the boys are getting ready to watch a movie. I am going to put some comfy jammies light a candle and watch a grown up movie. Or maybe I will try to beat Anthony's high score on Mario Party for the DS.

Enjoy your weekend!!!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Pictures from Anthonys Trip

I have finally finished processing Anthony's Philly pictures. I will post a couple of my favorites here but the rest (197 of them) are on a slide show on the right side. He did really good but some pictures had to be really worked over. Enjoy!!!

Metal from the World Trade Center
Anthonys Philly Trip

Anthonys Philly Trip

Anthonys Philly Trip

Anthonys Philly Trip
WWII Mem. On one side it says Alantic and the other says Pacific
Anthonys Philly Trip

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Spring is here

With spring it always brings feeling of being over whelmed. It takes about a week until I get every ones schedules down and then we are good. This year is going to be a lot harder. This will be the first time all 3 kids are in sports at the same time. Plus, with a kid starting high school and one starting middle school, I have all those meetings to get them signed up and class schedules. I have known for a long time what the high school football program is like, but now that I have the schedule in my hand it crazier then I thought. It will only take a couple of weeks until I am doing this like an old pro. So it's time to dust off the crock pot because that will be the only way there will be home cooked meals in this house.

We also had some very bad news a couple of weeks ago. Steve's Dad was diagnosed with untreatable cancer. I haven't written about it here, because I just can't put into words what this family is feeling. Long absences away from this blog isn't because I have forgotten about it. It's just time researching flights (Steve is getting ready to go back to CA), researching pancreatic cancer (something I know nothing about) trying to be an emotional support to Steve and spending a lot of time just praying. Our friends and families have been an amazing support for us. Steve's family can use all the prayers and good thoughts you have.