Sunday, August 31, 2008

Trying To Fit It All In

The last days of summer are upon us. I for one am looking forward to fall but not looking forward to school. Steve took the weekend off (something he normally would not do) and we are spending it doing family things. There is no housework, yard work or anything else of that nature going on here. We are relaxing and playing as a family.

Yesterday we headed up to Idaho to the water park there. We had a blast going to down all the slides and playing in the water. The weather was perfect and thank goodness we went yesterday and not today. It is cold here. I am nursing my shoulder today. We took some tubes out in the wave pool, went as deep as we could and hung on to each other for dear life. My shoulder took a good beating and poor Anthony smashed into the wall and crushed his nose. He thankfully didn't break it, but he took a trip to the medic area. We are all tanned and a little sunburned today.

Tonight's activities will take us to the closing night at the drive in. They close the season with a triple feature, so we will be there until after 2am. We meet up with another family and watch it together. A third family may join us tonight. The movies tonight are: Wall*E, Handcock and Ironman. We have seen them all but I guess that really isn't the point. It will be cold out there tonight but always fun.

A quick football note: Anthony's team was killed 30-7 and the varsity 39-7. I guess the team they played is one of the best in Idaho. I didn't go to this game but will be at the next one so don't worry I will have pictures. Megan also starts soccer on the 6th and I am sure I will have a picture or two.

Enjoy the rest of your Labor Day Weekend!!!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

My Baby is 11

Happy Birthday Megan. Even though you are not 11 until 5:55pm. HE HE HE
I will post some pictures and stuff later, she beat me to my computer and that is where the pics are.

Keep your fingers crossed, my car is supposed to be done today. Best of all, it is supposed to be cheaper then they thought. Yeahhhhhh

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Getting Ready

The news on the car was good. Worst case we where looking at a new engine but thank goodness that's not what was wrong. Thanks to everyone giving us advice and causing a little sleep loss. While we are getting ready to buy a new car, just not today. I should have it back by Friday and that's great because I have been without for 7 days now. It's been OK, we have found other things to do and have done a lot of walking. I have to thank my oldest, he bent over backwards to help out. He drank the last of the milk last night and the first thing he thought of this morning was to head to the store to buy me some more. He also has been stopping at my favorite spot for a wonderful Diet Pepsi right after football practice. I am not sure if he is being nice or trying to keep my attitude under control.
We are getting ready for school to start, which happens next week. My babies will be in high school, middle school and one still at the elementary school. They can't be that old. Anthony's first football game is this Friday and Megan starts Fall soccer Sept 6th. I just found out that both our parish priest play soccer and one coaches. Megan is thinking about asking him for some private coaching.
So this is the last weekend of calm before the storm hits. My calendar is full full full, and I know that this is just the beginning.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Night in the tent
OK, so it's not exactly camping but we where outside and in a tent. We decided to pitch the tent last night and sleep in it. We needed to get the tent up anyway because we are going to be using it pretty soon. We haven't used it in so long and we needed to make sure it would still stand. We learned a couple of things last night.

1) it's not big enough for all of us anymore
2) garbage men come really early and make a lot of noise
3) squirrels make a lot of noise
4) the dog is not invited to join us next time
5) It leaks (edited to add this last bit of info)

But other then that we had a really good time. I discovered something else, we may need a new mattress for our bed. My hip has been giving me a bad time. After sleeping on a air mattress it feels a lot better. hummmmm I think I see the problem.

Day 5 without a car, more about that later.

Monday, August 18, 2008

And So It Starts

It is 6:20am as I starting typing this. Anthony's alarm is set to go off at 6:30am. Today is the beginning of Daily Doubles or "Hell Week." Football must really be worth it. He started weight training last April and has given up his summer for camps, weights, community service and for different practices. It's good because he feels ready for today. Some kids we know haven't been doing anything this summer and are getting nervous about today. Anthony says he is ready. Practice starts this morning at 7:30 to 10:00 and then again at 6:00pm until 8:00. In typical Eastern Oregon weather, it will be almost 100 today but by Wednesday it is supposed to be in the low 70's with rain.

His alarm is going off, so I need to go and make a breakfast that won't make him vomit on the field. Because that would be bad.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Back Flips

Anthony taught Jason how to do back flips. I am also trying out flickr's video upload to see if I like them or YouTube better. Let me know what you think.

A Time For Change

I think it is time for a change on this blog. Maybe some new colors, a new picture for the header. I am not sure what but I am going to do some changes. If I ever get back on my peter I will post some pictures. I am sitting on the floor in my oldest room using his peter. This is uncomfortable so I will post some pictures later today.


Friday, August 15, 2008

Closing The Table

I have this really cool table, or I think it is cool. The leaves are built right into the table. You just slide it apart and pop up the leaves, very cool. When we have company in, of course the table leaves are put in. I makes it nice just to be able to sit together, play Mexican Train or just eat. Which is what Mom and I spent a lot of time doing. For me, the hardest part of a visit is not the goodbyes, hugs, promises of seeing each other again real soon or even waving to the truck as it leaves. The saddest part for me is putting the leaves to the table back and returning it back to its normal size. It means that the visits are done until the snow melts next spring. It also means that school is just around the corner and it is time to get ready. Who knew that just taking out the leaves to a table could mean so much.

I miss you guys all ready.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Only one more day

I can't believe that there is only one more day left of my parents visit. I looked forward to it all summer and it is almost over. I had lots of plans that we where going to do while they where here and we did none of them. We sat around and talked for the most part. We also hit most of the restaurant's in town. In part because of kids schedule and partly because we just didn't want to cook. That seems to be the theme of our visits. Last year while in Sacramento we hit almost every fast food joint and a couple of nice places too. One place we hit 3 times, man how I love Jim Boy Tacos.

My Dad has been on a computer fix it mission since he has been here. First off he brings us a lab top that he has restored then he worked on Anthony's peter for awhile. Who knows what we did to screw that one up. Now he is working on mine. It has been a while so it needed just to be cleaned out and redone. It also was in need of a new hard drive. So that is why I haven't been posting any pictures. I am amazed at my Dads talent for computers. While here, he picked up a lab top at a garage sale. The man paid $5 for it and was told the thing was shot. Dad replaced a couple of things and now it works. I wish I could do that. I joked when he had heart surgery that nothing could happen to him, my computer wasn't working right. So when all this is said and done, I will have 2 hard drives and double the space. I wonder how long it will take me to fill both hard drives. HEHEHE

Speaking of pictures, we where talking about them right? As I said, my pictures are on the hard drive that is being moved to my backup up drive. Which means, worst case, I could lose them, Why didn't I back them all up? I have 3 kids with full schedules. I told my Mom last night that if I lose them all, I will be OK. This would not be the worse thing that has ever happened. I have some backed up on Flickr. I will be OK. So late last night, my hard drive move is done. After about 1/2 hour of looking for the picture folder, I found them. They are all there and unharmed. I am breathing a sigh of relief that I don't have to test my theory.

As for the rest of my day. Today is the last day for summer rec soccer, but select starts. Anthony is doing another football camp but this one is in town. Football practice officially starts next week. 3 weeks of summer vacation is left and I for one do not want school to start.

Welcome home Julie. I am glad you are out of the hospital and home recovering. So much for simple surgery's and there will be no more of that.

Friday, August 08, 2008


I am sometimes guilty of forgetting just how important our friends can be. This week has reminded me how lucky I am.

Having said that, my best friend underwent minor surgery earlier this week or that is what we thought. There where complications and she is still in the hospital. This surgery was not as minor as we thought it was going to be. But I am praying for a quick recovery for her and her family. She sounds good and I know she really wants to go home.

A Computer for Everyone

My parents are here from CA and it has been crazy around here. I don't have any pictures uploaded yet to share because I am working on a lab top that Grandpa brought the kids. So know everyone can be on their peter and we can just IM each other. By time school starts we will be putting some limits on peter usage. We need some limits in this house so that I can get on and play too. I am tired of having to get up before sunrise or go to bed after midnight just so that I can play on the peter. I haven't uploaded any pictures in forever.

Oh well, we are having a great visit. Today we might head out of town and up to the lake for awhile. There is a little town there that has some great shopping. I am looking forward to going through the shops with my Mom.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Paint Fumes

And my head is buzzing. Megan is at a friends house tonight so the boys went to blockbuster to rent a couple of games and a movie. Steve and I snuck off to dinner and ended up at the church to see how how paint looked dry. I wasn't sure if the wall color was enough of a contrast as the ceiling color. We decided that we liked it and since the boys where getting along really well we would come back and spend a couple of hours painting. The class rooms are down in the church basement and there is only two working lights down there right now. We brought some spot lights from home to paint by but once those where turned off it was very dark and very erie. We still have a couple of walls to finish but we ran out of paint. I was getting punchy and painted my name on one of the walls. It's the closest I have ever been to tagging. lol

On a sad note, Steve's boss lost his battle with cancer yesterday. He was the manager who rode with Steve on his Engineers test run, and passed him. He was 57 and will be greatly missed.