Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Hubby

Steve had to have his hernia surgery redone. Not something either one of us was happy about. This time however, we both decided that we didn't want to have it done here. This is not your every day run of the mill hernia surgery. They have to cut from his belly button all the way to just below his breast bone. I will save you all the rest of the details and pictures. Yes, I have pictures. If you want all the gory details you have to call him. He will gladly describe the whole procedure to you.

Anyway, we went to Walla Walla Washington to have the surgery done. I am not saying the doctor here didn't do it right, he just didn't want to take the chance that it wouldn't work again. So far so good. He had it done on Thursday and came home on Friday. Compared to last time when he spent 4 days in the hospital. He is moving around really well and looks really good. So I am keeping my fingers crossed that he continues to heal.

My Mom made the trip to help us out around here. She has been a huge help and I don't know what I would have done without her. Thanks Mom.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Homeschool Adventure

Because that is really what this is. We just completed our 3rd week. I would love to say that this is easy and that everything is going smoothly. Honestly, we are just starting to get it down. It takes time to find out what is going to work for Jason. Plus, it is really important to make sure that you are having SOME fun. There is just no way I am going to make spelling fun. I have come up some games to make it easier but it's still spelling and he doesn't like it. I have found some fun activities to do with our history lessons. He is really having a great time learning about Egypt and mummies. I am learning a few things too.

Here he is working on his Egypt project.

In Egypt they made bread and beer so we decided to make beer bread.

According to Jason, the best thing about home school is doing your school work in your underwear. Him not me.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

An Academy Award Performance

Watching my oldest son perform in the orthopedic surgeons office today should have earned him an academy award. I was both annoyed and proud all at the same time.

First: you can't see the fracture on x-ray but he has all the symptoms of a break. The doctors ruling was, cast for 4 weeks out for the football season.

Have I mentioned that this doctor was Anthony's basketball coach. He knows my son.

Anthony: NO WAY!!! (insert lots of drama here). Can't I just play with the cast on(mom learns something new, didn't know you could play with cast. This earns me eye rolls from both son and doctor)?

Doctor: You know, this isn't State and you aren't going for a scholarship yet. Mom, what do you think?

Me: I want his thumb to heal, but I am going to have to live with him for the next 7 weeks. Doctor leaves.

Anthony: MOM, MOM, I just want to play.

Me: Maybe you could fake cry, that might work. (major sarcasm on my part)

Anthony: grabs tissue's and pretends to cry when doctor comes back.

Doctor: Ok Anthony, you miss two games but you can practice with the team. You'll have to wear the cast longer to make sure it's healed.

Anthony: Can I get that in writing?

I don't think he has realized yet that this cast was going to be off in 2 weeks and now it looks like it will be more like 6. They also really beefed up the cast to make sure his thumb is really protected. So the next time he accidentally hits himself in the head with his cast he will knock himself out. Yes, last year he feel asleep with his arm resting above his head. His arm slid down and he hit himself in the forehead with his cast. Like all good parents, Steve and I are still laughing.

So, starting tomorrow, Anthony and his receiving coach will be working on how to catch the ball with a cast on. This season is off to a great start.

Monday, September 07, 2009


We are remembering DJ today.
It was a year ago today that he lost his Dad. Then a month later when he moved away.
He and Megan still talk just not as often as before.
We miss you and we think about you.

What I Did Today

Really, do I need to say more?????

Check out my other blog for the recipe.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

My Day

Is all about the zucchini. We planted some tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and a whole bunch of different spices. The only thing that is producing is the zucchini. Steve and Anthony picked a bunch of it last night and now I have to deal with it.

So, comming out of my kitchen today will be:
Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread
Regular Zucchini Bread
Death by Chocolate Zucchini Cake
Fried Zucchini Strings
and some sort of heathly zucchini for dinner tonight.

Steve and I went and saw "Julie and Julia" last night. We really enjoyed it and the movie has put me in the mood to cook. I am sure this feeling will pass soon.

Have a great weekend.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

1st Week of School

It went really well. I will have some pictures to post later because they are still sitting on my camera.

Megan is loving 7th grade. Select soccer has started and while she is enjoying it, the 8th graders are looking down on the lowly 7th graders. I told her not to worry about it she'll be a 8th grader next year and they will be lowly freshmen. She really likes this coach. He isn't the type who worries about their feelings. He pulls you out of the game, explains what you did wrong, how to improve and then puts you back in the game. Megan really likes it that way. She wants to know how to fix it and then let her back in to do it.

Jason and I have worked our way through the first week of home school. I am adding a few things to give him more of a challenge and backing off some of the stuff I am just not interested in teaching him. It's a Christian based program with a lot of christian stuff to teach. While I don't mind the Bible stories, I found some pretty anti Catholic stuff in one of the books. He goes to Sunday school (and his teacher is really awesome, just ask her) so I really don't think some of this is necessary. He took a geography test and aced it and bombed his spelling test. So I am going back to the way we did spelling last year. I bet he passes next week, no problem.

Anthony's first week has had some ups and downs. His classes are going to be tough but he is ready for it. He has also found a career path that he is interested in. He would like to be a nurse or something in that field. He has some pretty definite ideas and I am very proud of him. Football started this week as well. They did lose but only by three points. Last year they lost to this team by about 20+ points. He is first string corner on defense and backup receiver. He made a very cool tackle this last game and almost intercepted the ball. He is very jazzed about this season. Or should I say was. The above mentioned tackle left him with a broken thumb. In typical fashion, he finished the game and even went to another practice before he would let me take him to the ER. He is out for at least 3 weeks but the doctor was confident that he would only miss 3 games. The nurse tried to make him feel better but there was no consoling him. The nurse just shook her head and said "I don't understand you football players."

Anyway, we have a pretty mellow weekend planned. Steve and I are thinking about going to a movie tonight. That would be fun. Plus, we might have some friends over for a bbq. Have a great Labor Day weekend.