Thursday, August 19, 2010

Waiting for the Phone to Ring

I posted once before about waiting for the phone to ring. I truly is the hardest thing about not living close to your family.

My father-in-law is now in the final stages of his cancer. He has fought the good fight. If you remember back, he was given 3 to 6 months to live. He has been fighting for 2 years 5 months. Amazing!!!


So please, thoughts and prayers for Steve and his family.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Livestock of the fair

We all ways wander through the livestock section of the fair and check out all the animals. Last year we watched the showmanship part of the fair. This is where the kids show how well they handle their animals. This year we actually watched the market show and the showmanship show. But this year we started learning what we are watching. Thank you Susan for sitting with us and explaining what we are watching. And a special thanks to Tobey for encouraging my youngest to raise and show pigs. Both Susan and Tobey are the parents of Kagan and Josey. Kagan being Anthony's girlfriend.

If there is anything wrong in this post, the fault is mine. My teachers where wonderful. Anthony spent the week with Kagan and her family helping out. I was amazed at the amount of work that goes into raising these animals. Kagan and Josey show both lambs and pigs.

Here are some pictures of both girls. Kagan, I hope you don't mind me posting these. But if you are going to hang out in this family, this is what happens. Josey, you are part of the package.


Here she comes into the pen. I am sure she is thinking, go away with that camera. lol

The belt buckle she is wearing was for last years fair. She won Grand Champion in Showmanship. Look at the sweet face on that lamb. Yeah, one of the reasons why there will be no raising of animals for sale in this house.

The judges are looking for a long neck and flat bag. Susan explained why and I can't remember why. Her lamb weighed in at 155lbs. I do remember that they show the cows neck for the brisket.

Here is Josey showing hers.

Anthony, looking on. He learned more this year about animals then ever.

Here are both girls in total control of their animals.


Kagen winning first place. There are 6 weight classes that day. Kagen one first in this class and then went on to win first in all the classes. This means when she went to show her lamb in the market auction. She got to show first and usually the champion goes for a lot of money. I believe when all was said and done. Her lamb went for over $5.00 a pound.

Josey won first place in their class as well. They award 2 first places. In this competition they are being judged on the animal. In showmanship, they are judged on how well they show the animal. Kagan won in her class but didn't win in the all around. In the all around they have to show lambs, pigs, cows and goats. The cow really gave her a hard time this year.

Good job girls, it was a great time watching you.

Megans Fair Pictures

Here are her drawning entries.

All 3 of them are of the Trickster From Circuqe du Soleil


These two won second place.


She drew all of these free hand.

This is her first place entry.


I didn't do such a great job scanning these pictures. Her detail work on this one is amazing. She worked for a long time on these. I just found out that the red one is done on the back of her chior homework. Wonderful

Found This

I have been going through old photos. Some dating back to the 1800's. I am putting together a slide show for my father in law and it has been an emotional experience. Looking at old shots of him, Steve and Kelli when they where little. And all the pictures of my babies when they where still babies.

I even got a little teary eyed while I was doing this. I can't begin to tell you just how many great pic's I have seen. Some of my favorites are of Steve's Great Aunt and his Grandmother when they where small. And this wonderful picture of 3 men in front of a train. Not sure who they are but I love the shot. I have one very similar of Steve that we took when he first became a engineer. I will scan some of these pictures and post, someday.

Anyway, I found this one and it just made me laugh.


Megans playing soccer. She is just under 2 in this pic. In fact this is one of Anthony's soccer games.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Fair Update

Jason and best friend Joey went to the fair on Wednesday. They put their minds together and built a Lego medieval scene with knights and all kinds of things. (pictures to follow).

Jason showed me yesterday and I have to admit, they did a good job. Judging was held today. They not only got first place, but grand champion and best of show. With this comes with a $10 gift card to our local hobby store. And some really big blue ribbons.

Good job Boys. Pictures will follow. I also have some more fair updates but I am tooooo tired to post tonight.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

County Fair

The county fair started today. I let the kids talk me into entering a couple of pictures that I took. Anthony just called and told me that both pictures took 3rd place. So exciting, I checked out the competition and figured I wasn't even going to place.

Here are my pictures.



Megan also entered 3 hand drawn pictures of the trickster from Cirque Du Soliel. She took 2 2nd places and a 1st place. I will post pictures of her drawings as soon as we get them back.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Zombie Squirrel

Last week was Vacation Bible School. I have been doing this for the last couple of years. Over the years I have done it all. But this year I got to do the snack station. This made me the coolest person at VBS.

Megan stayed home for the first hour so she could do her paper route. She is a working girl now. As I left the house that day I noticed quite a storm coming over the mountains. I listened to the weather on the radio and realized it was going to be a bad one. I called Megan quick, let her know what was coming and call me if she gets nervous. She doesn't like thunder storms. The storm is bad but she makes it through it ok.

About 1/2 an hour later, she calls me in a pure panic. She hears a loud band (like a canon) that shakes our house and the power goes out. Not a problem, I tell her, just a transformer. Then the lights come on and start flickering and off again. She is in a full panic mode and won't go back in the house. I hop in the car and bring one of her friends with me, who is going to help her finish her route. I get home, sure enough no power and the lights flicker every once in a while. We are also the only house with no power.

I do what I also do in a crisis. Step out on my back porch and talk to the people in the retirement home behind me. No matter what, I can count on them.

She informs me that they do have power but there is a dead squirrel under the power pole. I make the call and an hour later we have power again. Megan and friend finish her route and meet me at the church. She did go out and check out the squirrel but I will save you from the details. Thank goodness she forgot there was a camera in the house.

Somehow during the course of VBS the subject of whether or not squirrels can become zombie's. Zombies freak Megan out. We start home, drop off my friends kids and get ready to turn into our alley. When Megan says, "If that squirrel is not still there, I am going to freak out."

The squirrel was gone. Megan yells, "I knew it, Zombie Squirrel."

It turns out the Lee, one of my neighbors, got rid of it for me. But now the conversation turns to, can Zombie Squirrels escape the garbage can? And isn't it strange how we haven't seen any squirrels around the house lately?

I will admit, we haven't seen many squirrels lately. Hummmm.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Our Trip to California Pt.2

Steve met us in Sacramento on Saturday and spent the day with my side of the family. The Sunday morning up early and out the door to spend the day with Steves family.

Only Steve stayed with them for the rest of the week. Roger is doing well, but have all those kids in the house is very tiring. We hung outside and watched the kids swim. Megan needed a little convincing to get it but once she did she had a great time. It was so hot that day that even I got in. I do miss hanging out at their house and swimming. All the kids are getting so much older. Joseph is 17 now and Jessica is getting ready to start college.

Here are all the grand kids. They are sitting by the window so they can see the World Cup going on. Love Megan's hat. She picked that up at Jelly Belly. It was over 100 degrees and she wears a stocking cap.

Dave, Kelli and Roger. Roger is doing as well as can be expected. It is amazing how he has defied all the odds. He is a prefect example of what a strong will and the power of prayer can do.


One of my favorite pictures of Megan. She and I made a deal. I could take pictures of her in the pool but I couldn't post them on facebook or my blog. My baby is getting older.
