Wednesday, October 27, 2010


That best describes the last week. I posted earlier about Megan and Jason's trip to the ER, well little did I know we were not done. Anthony woke up early Sunday morning unable to move. He had horrible back pain right below his shoulders. He went to bed Saturday night feeling fine. After a day or two we could see a little bruise right where most of the pain was coming from.

We figure that at some point during the weekend he must have gotten hit in that spot. Most likely during Friday nights game. He must have slept wrong a really pulled it. He is unfortunately out of football this week, which is a bummer because it is homecoming. As of today he is starting to feel better but you can tell it is still very sore.

He should be healed by the beginning of playoffs next week.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pictures from Football

Here are some pictures from Anthony's JV Game. He plays both JV and varsity.

He of course is #80.


One of my favorite pictures. That is him reaching in to steal the ball.


I ended up going down on the field to take the 2nd picture. Anthony's coach had the nerve to step in front of me. I yelled, "Hey, your blocking my shot." He turned like he was going to throw his clip board at me. When he saw it was me, he blocked the shot even more. We really like this guy, he has coached Anthony for a long time.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What a Weekend

I decided earlier in the week that I would not be able to make it to Anthony's football game on Friday and Megans soccer game on Saturday. Jason had been battling a cold about a week ago and by Friday was running a fever. So I stayed home Friday night and listened to Anthony's game on the radio. Another fun fact about small town's, the Friday night football game is broad casted on the radio. Let's just say it was a painful game to listen to and leave it at that.

Jason appeared to be doing better, so I let Megan have a couple of friends sleep over Friday night. Around 11pm Jason's fever shot up. 4am he woke me up crying, couldn't talk and can't catch his breath. He does have asthma but not very often. It does tend to flair up when he is really sick. I am prepared for this and let's face it, this never happens in the daytime. I calmed him down and hooked him up the to the machine and let it do it's thing. After 30minutes I made the decision that it was off to the ER.

Steve walked into the door right at the right time. He took over with the kids and off I went. Right in he went. His breathing did mellow out, but it was decided to do chest x-rays. He wanted to know if they were going to get the paddles on him and yell clear.

The poor kid has pneumonia. Today is Sunday and he is starting to feel better. He still has a little fever but I think by tomorrow that will be gone. We are keeping up on the breathing treatments. He is tired with being sick and he wants to be outside.

So of course I didn't make Megan's game either. I can't tell you how much I enjoy receiving a text message from my daughter letting me know that she thinks her tailbone is broken. A phone call next time would be nice. Apparently she was getting ready to kick the ball for a goal when her foot was kicked out from under her and down she went. Off to the ER again. After another set of X-rays, it was determined that the tailbone isn't broken but bruised. I know there isn't much you can do for your tailbone but I wanted to make sure everything else was OK. I once blew Anthony off when he said his ribs hurt and it turned out to be a bruised spleen. How bad is it that I know the ER staff on a first name basis? When I made my trip to the ER, Anthony went with me. The X-ray tech saw him and wanted to take him down to see the new machines. Great....

So today, Megan is moving around a lot better. She agreed to miss Mondays game and she is out of P.E. for the week. They are playing soccer in P.E. right now. She figures, she will get to hang out on the side lines and argue soccer rules with her teacher.

It is the first time in a long time that I can honestly say, Thank God this weekend is almost over.

I hope yours was better.

Friday, October 15, 2010

More Soccer

Amazing more soccer pictures. I also have more football pictures that need to be upload, but not today. This is what is going on in our lives right now. Sports, sports and more sports.

We have only 2 games left for Megan's fall soccer. The first couple of pictures is from the game in Washington. The other team was short players so Megan and Sandy stepped up and played for the other team. Megan was their goalie. Megan plays to win the game, whether she is on their team or ours and that is what she did. We teased her that she was going to get carded for elbowing her own team mates. The other teams coaches asked if I would leave her there to play for him. I of course said "Yes, Megan pack your bags."
you can see her pushing Sandy out of the way and laughing.
It was strange to see her own team trying to score on her.
this is what happens when she knows you are taking pictures.

They did win. We are playing their fall rec league and our select league is really the best of our rec league. Or maybe not the best just but the kids who really love soccer. So when we go into someones rec league we do tend to win. However, when we play other towns select, premier or club teams we really have a challenge. That's not to say the girls aren't being challenged in their Saturday games. Some games the have to work a little harder then others.

That is what happened Wednesday night when we played another Select team. Our girls took the field thinking it was going to be like our Saturday games. They couldn't have been more wrong. The other team took the field, marched right down to their first goal. That's when our girls decided to play like they have been coached. They ended the game in a tie 2-2.

I just had to post these. They tripped my baby.
She's tough.
You can see the intensity on her face.
This is Megan and the other teams goalie. Boy she tried hard, but didn't get the goal.

I discovered that my husband isn't the loudest Dad on the team. Just giving you a hard time Steve.

We play this team again on Monday night.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sometimes I Hate Books

Part of Jason's home school program is read alouds. These are books that are a little above his reading level that I read to him. They usually go hand in hand with whatever we are learning about. We are learning about American Indians and it just so happens so is Megan.

I usually don't do read alouds during our normal school day. We usually curl up at bedtime and read them. We were a little bit behind this time because Jason kept falling asleep. So we pushed off today's history lesson to finish up the book. We here suppose to start a new one on Monday.

One of the advantages to using Sonlight is their message board forums. It is great to talk to others who are using or have used this same program. Well, I had read on the boards that this book was sad. I also read that it was hard to get into. Both Jason and I really enjoyed the book and had no problem getting into it. We both thought we had figured out the end, so we were prepared for the sad part.

As usual, we were wrong. We finished the last two chapters while sharing a box of tissues. I will say that we both enjoyed it. This one really held his interest. I have to laugh because all the books that people recommend for him, he hasn't liked. The ones that get the not so great reviews he loves. Go Figure.

This week we are mixing it up a bit with a big field trip with our home school group. This is really going to be fun and informative. It will be fun to see some of the things we have been talking about. This area is rich with things to do that we will be studying this year. I am so glad that we will be taking advantage of what the area has to offer.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

A Favorite Book

One of my new favorite books that we use in our home school science program.

I said last year that I just wasn't crazy about the science program. I was giving it one more year before I started looking for something different.

However, this year I am enjoying it. We started the year off with cell structure. Jason caught on quickly and after all these years I think I finally get it too.

We talked about cell differences between plants and animals. So now we are talking about different animals and later we will go back to plants. Jason will get a chance to use his new microscope and he will be doing a lot of planting.

The thing I like most about this book is, it is Internet linked.
You go to their website and type in the page number you are working on. It gives you updated links to websites for more information, videos and games related to that animal. The video on swarming bats kind of creeped us out. We also saw a video on pangolin's and river dolphins that help fishermen catch fish. Who knew. Of course I could search for this information on my own, but who has time for that.

In the future I will be checking out more of these Usborne Internet linked books.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

No Sun at 5am

How do I know this????

Because we left our house this morning at 4am to go fishing. It would be light soon not a big deal. The sky started to lighten up at 6:10am. We had our lines in the water well before that time. However, it was nice to see where we were casting to. Megan and Jason didn't last long both were tired. No fish today.


She is asleep


Jason playing with the bait.


Anthony trying his best.




Turned out to be a beautiful morning.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Todays Soccer Game

They won 5-2 and Megan was responsible for 2 of the goals. Here are a couple of my favorite pictures from today.

Gotta love this one.

Her kicking in a goal.


And one more.

Last Nights Game

Last game before league games begin. They won 41-6.

It was a good game and Anthony made a couple of killer tackles. One tackle caused a fumble resulting in us getting the ball back.

Today we are off to Washington for a late soccer game. And Sunday we will try to put a dent in getting the bedroom redo done.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Another Teenager

It has come to my attention that I may have missed posting about a couple of important events.
One of which, Steve and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been 20 years and Steve feels like it's been longer.

More importantly, my baby girl is 13. We celebrated in Sacramento which is something we haven't done since she was 2 years old. She is caught between wanting to be an older more mature teenager and still wanting to be a ninja.


I love how she is just herself and won't let anyone else tell her who she should be.

I love how she is not afraid to stand up for her friends no matter what others think.

I love how she asked for permission to punch a boy for making fun of her hat. We said no.

I love how she is rough and tough but still gentle when it comes to little kids and animals.

I love her creativity.

I love her signing voice and how she chooses not to use it.

I love how just when we think we have her figured out she changes everything.

Happy 13th Birthday sweetie.