Wednesday, July 04, 2012


Anthony is near Duck Creek, Utah fighting the Shingle Fire.  We talked to him last night.  They were setting up their camp and waiting for inspections.  He sounded tired but excited to get started.

I, of course, found a way to get tweets about the fire's in Utah.  I also found a website with updates about the fire.  I don't understand most of what I am reading and will have to have Anthony explain it to me when he gets back.  Also, someone Anthony is working with is a blogger, so we have been getting little updates that way.

Check out his blog  Mountain Travis 

How is this kid old enough to fight fires?  Where did the time go?

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

He is off

Wild fire season is in full swing.  Anthony has trained for this for the last several months.  He heard through the grapevine that another fire team from here left on Sunday so he decided to start packing.  Luckily he did, he got his call Monday morning and had an hour to report.

As we speak, he is heading to a fire near Cedar City, Ut.  He should be there and start working sometime this evening.  And yes, there where tears.  Mine of course. DSC_4712