Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Portland Zoo

I am catching up on some posts that I should have made this summer.

We found ourselves in Portland at soccer tournaments.  So, on our way back home we decided to make a quick stop on the Portland Zoo.  We didn't spend a lot of time there.  We had an early game and I was ready to start the 4 hour drive home.

Here are a few pictures.

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Sunday, September 09, 2012

Anthony's New Car

With his first paycheck from fighting wild fires, he could afford this.

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 He is very happy with his purchase.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Soccer News

I am posting the next few posts a little bit out of order.

School has started here and we have made some major changes in this household.  These are good changes for us but I will explain in a different post.  This one is about soccer.

Megan has had a long hard summer when it comes to soccer.  The usual fun summer rec program was tough and she might not do it again next year.  Instead she might referee or coach the little kids instead.  Because there were not a lot of sigh ups at the high school age, they combined the u16 and the u19 together.  So you have 15 year old girls playing with 18 year old boys.

At this age, you really don't get a lot of kids who don't play high school soccer on these teams.  So the level of play is high for a rec team.  The coaches are volunteers not high school coaches.  So, the kids playing on these teams are sort of coaching themselves.  They know their positions and what to do.  The coaches are really there to make sure the rules are being followed, making sure everyone gets to play and of course, helping with injuries.  And there are injuries.

I do want to give these boys a lot of credit.  You have 6 foot plus, 18 year old boys playing with 5'4" 14 year old girls.   Now we understand why there are no girls over the age of 15 playing.  These boys played fair and were very respectful of the girls.  I felt so sorry for one boy who accidental ran into one of the girls and knocked her almost across the field.  He stopped, help her up and kept apologizing for the rest of the game.  These boys kept playing very aggressive with each other but tried not to run over the top of the girls.

Anyway, this post was suppose to be about High School soccer.  Currently, after three games, the girls soccer team is ranked #1 in the state.  Way to go girls.  And it doesn't surprise me because our little high school has two of the best goalies in the state.  And I am not saying that because one of them is my daughter.

Good job Megan and Auslin, you two rock.  Here are a couple of pictures from the last two games.

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 She didn't miss the ball, she is sitting on it.


The quick pose for her mommy.


A job hazard of being a photographer.


This viscous little animal was sneaking up on me, with the intent of taking me out at the ankles.  So not only did I have to keep my eyes on this.


But I had to watch out for this.

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Some sideline goofing around.
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The girls coming off the field after their 3rd win. None of the other teams have even scored on our girls.  I had to shoot this picture looking into the sun.  So it's black and white because it was way over exposed. 

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Anthony's Wildland Fire Adventures

These came straight from Anthony's camera. These pictures are from both Idaho and Utah.  You will probably recognize Jordan from previous wrestling post's.  As I post this, Anthony and Jordan are not to far from home fighting the Hells Canyon Fire, here in Oregon.  This is probably his last fire of the season.  My baby starts college in late September.

Anyway, enjoy his pictures.

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