Monday, July 13, 2009


Tornado warnings for here, Really??
We got home yesterday late afternoon from a cub scout family camp out. Great fun and pictures to follow. I was reading a book and the kids where watching t.v. when the NWS broke in with its emergency broadcast. I have seen those monthly test but have never wittiness one for real.

It advised of heavy thunder storms, lots of rain, high winds and possible tornado's. Jason started to panic a little. Anthony got serious and started calling his friends. Megan wondered if she should get off the computer. At one point she put her gold fish in a plastic bag so she could take him if we needed to leave. Our neighbor behind us, came over to tell us to use his basement if things got really bad. I think we are the only house on the block without a basement.

The winds did come up, but the storm went around us. For the rest of the night we had heavy rains and thunder. When I was little and in South Dakota we had tornado warnings. My cousin, to show how brave he was, went outside and stood in the hail. He said "see I told you this doesn't hurt." The hail was bigger then I had ever seen. My Grandmother saw him and yell something about what an idiot he is and get in the house. She didn't have the patience for that kind of stuff. The memory still makes me giggle.

I know for some of you that tornado warnings this time of year is just one of those things, but they freak me out. I'm from California, give me a good earth quake.

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