Monday, January 10, 2011

Youth Group Sledding Trip

Yesterday we had a youth group meeting with all the Catholic youth groups in our county.  The couple who headed up this meeting did a great job.  We talked about peer pressure.  It was very interesting to hear what the kids had to say about it.

After the talk we headed up to our host's house to do some sledding.  I didn't sled but took pictures and I took about 250 of them.  So I will be spending today going through those.

We were supposed to get about an inch of snow today but ended up with about 6 and it is still snowing.  I love the snow but not crazy about driving in it.  The kids and some adults did the sledding and then headed into the house for hot chocolate and pizza.  Yummmmmm

I wasn't going to go.  I was going to stay home and get caught up around here.  But I am so glad I did go.  I never laughed so hard at these kids.  I am surprised no one broke anything.  I loved getting a chance to take their pictures.  The girls all looked away from the camera, but the boys wanted to make sure I caught their crashes.  We needed a video camera out there.

Here are a couple of my kids.

My favorite of Anthony.  He found this cat and was cuddling it.  This is the face I know and love.  He is such a sweet and good natured kid.


The girls, mine is in the middle.  I didn't realize it was her because her hat wasn't the right color.   Her hat is really dark brown, but you can't tell.  This is after they crashed and rolled down the hill.  Megan ended up hurting her tail bone again.  I have a feeling that is going to bother her for awhile.


Jason looks upset in this picture but he's not.  He is helping another little boy out with his sled.  We joked that he looked like he was saying "why do I always have to carry the sleds?"  He was just concerned about another kid who had just come down the hill.  All we could see was a cloud of snow. 


If anyone learned anything from today it would be me.  The laundry and dishes will wait.  Get out there and have some fun with the kids.

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