Friday, July 29, 2011

The Last of Summer Soccer

Here are the last of the soccer pictures.  The game ended in a tie last night.  It was a team that had beaten us before.  It was a great way to end the season.  Now on to High School.

All but one of these pics is taken by Anthony.  I missed one of Megan's goal's because I was chatting.  Anthony took my camera and told me that I wasn't doing my job.  He did get some great pics.

Since the beginning of the season these two have been trash talking about this game.  This is Megan's good friend Baily.  Baily is the goalie, you may remember her from a few post's back when she ate a bug.  Baily's strategy was to run at Megan while screaming.  To funny.


The ball is kicked.


and the goal was scored.  Look at the girls checking it out and laughing.


There is a long history with this team.  I won't go into any details but whatever team Megan is on has never lost to this team.  And they still haven't lost.


I love looking at the pictures of Megan playing.  She makes it look easy.


I took this one.  She was very pleased at the score.


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