Sunday, December 30, 2012

Elections In The Homeschool World

I think learning about how our government works is one of the most important things a kid can learn.
I figured that the best time to talk about elections is during the 2012 election.  It also opened up a lot of discussion with my two older kids.  As hard as it might be, I try very hard to give both sides to the discussion.  However, I always will say "now, how I feel is.....".

We watched the debates, ads and interviews.  Jason tried to figure out what was important to him. 

Jobs or the economy was important to Jason.  He doesn't care that we have to drive further to see the doctor or that we only have two choices in grocery stores.  But he does care that our drive inn will not be opening back up next summer, or that his favorite hobby store might close.

I thought a fun way to close out our unit on the elections, was to hold our own election. We did it on the actual election day.  And we did it old school.  Here in Oregon we use mail in ballots, but I wanted him to set up a polling place.


It gave us a chance to talk about polling place laws and why they are there.  It also gave me realize just how much our garage needs to be cleaned.  He made polling signs, sign in sheets, ballots, ballots boxes and even "I voted" stickers.


On the ballots he listed: Obama, Romney and Other (for write ins).  The whole family got a chance to vote.  Jason was tough, he even required ID to get your ballot.

Our elections in this house did turn out differently then the National election.

Romney: 3
Obama: 1
Bush: 1 

Jason on the debates:  "Mom....did they answer the question?"

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

MOMS Club Weekend

18 years ago I became a stay at home mom.  The real estate market had crashed and I had been working in a bank that did it's business centered in the real estate market.  So when Anthony was just about 6 months old I became a stay at home mom when the bank started laying off employees and finally closed.

I was looking forward to staying at home with my baby.  One of the things I didn't count on was the isolation that I felt.  All of my friends were working Moms.  I would meet them for lunch or do weekend things but I really missed the adult conversations during the week.

I thought I was going to lose my mind after a couple of months.  I opened the local paper and found an article about MOMS Club.  MOMS Club is a support group for stay at home moms.  It is a club that was started with the idea that we can only be good mothers if we first take care of ourselves.  One of those ways is to get out of the house and be around other mothers.  All the activities in MOMS Club include the kids. 

Just what I was looking for.  Most of the activities where at other Moms houses or at the park.  We were all Moms just looking to get out of the house and hang out with other Mothers feeling the same way we did.  Not only that, the kids were all about the same age as Anthony.

I started with this club back in California, helped form two different chapters when I moved to Washington.  I tried to get one going in Oregon but it never took root.  Instead, in Oregon I became a volunteer with International MOMS Club.  I started out reviewing websites and now I just was promoted to State Coordinator of 4 different states.  I have been a member for over 17 years and I keep in contact with so many of the Moms from my first chapter.

Why do I mention this now.  This past November I attended our regional luncheon.  It was a chance for all of us to get together and relax, get to know each other and have a great time.  We had Volunteers and chapters from Hawaii, California, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho there.


 The picture above is off all the volunteers that help put the amazing luncheon together. Below is a picture of me with some of the other Oregon coordinators.


 This was such a great weekend. My only regret was that I had missed the last couple years. I am looking forward to next years.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Anthony's Surgery

As some of you might remember, Anthony had a knee injury during wrestling his junior year in HS.  It kept him out of going to state and possibly wrestling in college.

He went in for minor arthroscopic surgery on his meniscus.  It turns out that the tear in his meniscus is probably cause from a loose ACL.  Not great news, because he could possibly need more surgery later.

On my couch.

A picture of his knee post surgery.


His knee healed fine. He went in on Friday and should have been up and walking around by Sunday. Unfortunately, not the case. He ended up with 4 blood clots.

So, back on the couch he went for the next week.  The treatment is medication, of course, and shots.  Shots he has to give himself and in his stomach.  I am glad to say, he is feeling much better.  He is going to physical therapy to rebuild that ACL.   He will be on medication for the next 6 months.  He is happy to be up moving around and back to work.

He knows one thing for sure.  He will not be having any more elective surgery for a long long time.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

The End of Soccer

What a year.  The girls High School team had a new head coach this year and a whole new style of soccer.  The girls responded well.  They finished #4 in the state.  It was a tough year for Megan.  She has never had to compete for her spot as keeper.  And to make matters worse, she had to compete with her best friend.

A quick note:  these pictures are not mine, thanks for sharing them.  Anthony had just had knee surgery and I couldn't make the game below.


 I can't say enough about both these girls.  They are amazing keepers.  Did you notice that their shirts match their shoes.  This is an older picture, because now their gloves match to.

They both bring very different strengths to the game.  And they are both very supportive of each other.  When Auslin had to defend a shoot out, Megan sat on the side lines praying for her.  When Megan played a rough game, Auslin was the first to hug and congratulate her.


I can't tell you how much fun it is to watch these two girls play.  They finished the season with 69 goals score on the other team and only 11 goals scored on us.  That tells you something about how they play.  They sat on the bench and compared their injury's.  Broken fingers, bruised and batter knees, pulled shoulders and backs and the various cleat prints on their legs.  These two girls are tough.


Since both girls are sophomores, I can't wait to see what the next two years will be like.  Us parents have commented on how tight this soccer team is.  They are all friends and Megan is already missing seeing them every day.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Megan's Free Time

Megan was bored the other day and found this website. She did one for both Anthony and Steve. Enjoy!!!
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

A Quick Laugh

I was just uploading some pictures so I could post them here.  I know that I have posted both of these before.  It just blows me away looking at these.  Look how much to two of them have grown up.

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Speaking of changing and growing up. Look who has her learners permit. 247984_10151193190914161_541717901_n

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Hey...It's December

I thought tonight would be a great time to fire back up the blog.  It was that or finish putting up the Christmas decorations.  I have a ladder in the middle of my kitchen that I don't feel like dealing with.

I was just thinking that I really should finish up, at least in the kitchen, when Megan walked out of her room.  She was just getting changed and ready to head out with her friend for the night.  I was completely taken back by how much she is growing up.  So I grabbed my camera and took a quick picture of her.


Man....I feel old.

A couple of weeks ago, I took the kids out to get a Christmas picture.  It is always an adventure trying to get a good shot of them.  They usually take the lead and come up with different poses.  All three of them carefully got on rocks in the river and turn and said "ok".  I focused and got ready for the shot and then they did this.


They are not shy when it comes to the camera. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

I know, I know

It's been over a month.  I have so much to post but I am going to start with this.  Kagan, Anthony's girlfriend, trusted me this weekend to doing her senior portraits.  Here are a couple.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Portland Zoo

I am catching up on some posts that I should have made this summer.

We found ourselves in Portland at soccer tournaments.  So, on our way back home we decided to make a quick stop on the Portland Zoo.  We didn't spend a lot of time there.  We had an early game and I was ready to start the 4 hour drive home.

Here are a few pictures.

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Sunday, September 09, 2012

Anthony's New Car

With his first paycheck from fighting wild fires, he could afford this.

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 He is very happy with his purchase.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Soccer News

I am posting the next few posts a little bit out of order.

School has started here and we have made some major changes in this household.  These are good changes for us but I will explain in a different post.  This one is about soccer.

Megan has had a long hard summer when it comes to soccer.  The usual fun summer rec program was tough and she might not do it again next year.  Instead she might referee or coach the little kids instead.  Because there were not a lot of sigh ups at the high school age, they combined the u16 and the u19 together.  So you have 15 year old girls playing with 18 year old boys.

At this age, you really don't get a lot of kids who don't play high school soccer on these teams.  So the level of play is high for a rec team.  The coaches are volunteers not high school coaches.  So, the kids playing on these teams are sort of coaching themselves.  They know their positions and what to do.  The coaches are really there to make sure the rules are being followed, making sure everyone gets to play and of course, helping with injuries.  And there are injuries.

I do want to give these boys a lot of credit.  You have 6 foot plus, 18 year old boys playing with 5'4" 14 year old girls.   Now we understand why there are no girls over the age of 15 playing.  These boys played fair and were very respectful of the girls.  I felt so sorry for one boy who accidental ran into one of the girls and knocked her almost across the field.  He stopped, help her up and kept apologizing for the rest of the game.  These boys kept playing very aggressive with each other but tried not to run over the top of the girls.

Anyway, this post was suppose to be about High School soccer.  Currently, after three games, the girls soccer team is ranked #1 in the state.  Way to go girls.  And it doesn't surprise me because our little high school has two of the best goalies in the state.  And I am not saying that because one of them is my daughter.

Good job Megan and Auslin, you two rock.  Here are a couple of pictures from the last two games.

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 She didn't miss the ball, she is sitting on it.


The quick pose for her mommy.


A job hazard of being a photographer.


This viscous little animal was sneaking up on me, with the intent of taking me out at the ankles.  So not only did I have to keep my eyes on this.


But I had to watch out for this.

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Some sideline goofing around.
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The girls coming off the field after their 3rd win. None of the other teams have even scored on our girls.  I had to shoot this picture looking into the sun.  So it's black and white because it was way over exposed. 

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Anthony's Wildland Fire Adventures

These came straight from Anthony's camera. These pictures are from both Idaho and Utah.  You will probably recognize Jordan from previous wrestling post's.  As I post this, Anthony and Jordan are not to far from home fighting the Hells Canyon Fire, here in Oregon.  This is probably his last fire of the season.  My baby starts college in late September.

Anyway, enjoy his pictures.

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