Friday, April 24, 2015

Spring Fever

It happens all the time in school.  Spring is in the air and summer right around the corner.  It happens in home school as well.  Hard to focus when the sun is out and only a few more weeks left of school.

This time of year sees a lot of schools out on field trips.  We are no different.  We don't take as many field trips as we did when Jason was younger.  Yesterday I decided it was time for an outside day. 

We headed to the marsh to look at the birds coming in to start their nesting.  There are Canadian Geese, Mallards and Hawks all over the place.  We saw none of them.  What we did see was always flying away from us.  Why you ask? 

He likes to talk.  I don't ever want to discourage a teenager from talking to me.  He felt like he wanted to open up about what is going on in his life.  He also wanted advice on the drama of being 14.  Who cares about the birds.  It was almost a 2 mile walk and we talked the whole time.  I loved every minute of it.  It meant the world to me when he got in the car and said "Thanks Mom."

Love this kid.

We did get to see this guy.

It was worth it.

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