Saturday, June 27, 2015


 It is official.  Megan is no longer a high school student.  We couldn't be prouder of her. 

She stepped it up this year and finished with a 4.0. 

The ceremony was different.  Megan spent 3 years of her high school career in an online school.  Steve and I were extremely happy with Connections Academy.  So much so that Jason will be doing his freshman year there.   Because these kids come from all over the state, the ceremony just didn't seem as personal as Anthony's did.  There was no real emotional connection with the teachers or students. 

Steve's Mom and Sisters family traveled to Portland for the ceremony.  My Dad hurt his ribs and couldn't make the trip.  We are looking forward to there visit in a couple of weeks.  Sorry Kelli, you got cut off in this picture.

Megan and Lady Grandma.

The girls

My three babies.  I can't believe that Anthony is 21 and Jason is a freshman in high school.  I blinked and they grew up.

The boys messing around.

The only time I got emotional is when she was walking toward us in her cap and gown.  I am saving all the tears for when she leaves this August.  I can't even talk about it with out crying.  She opened her own checking account yesterday and was telling the clerk about her plans.  I started to tear up, the clerk saw me and she started to cry to. 

Proud Daddy.


Lining up and getting ready.

Only the  kids from our town decorated their hats. There was 6 of them.


Never go on Pintrest when planning a party.

The laptop is running the slide show I put together. 

Graduation was on Saturday and we all got up early Sunday morning to be back in town in time for the party.

Loving the Navy support.

What a ham.

It was a great party.  We had friends wandering through well into the night.

Thanks Hayden.  Anthony's best friend since the 6th grade.  I have hundreds of pictures of the side of his head.  He finally realized that if he would just look and me and take a picture I will leave him alone.  However, we haven't taught Angela the same thing.  :)

Dinner, then s'mores by the campfire later that night.

We are going to miss this kid.

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