Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Christmas Flowers

One last Christmas post.

The Christmas flowers I received this year were beautiful. 

Andrea and Josie.  Josie is the wonderful little girl Jason and I get to spend our weekdays with.  She is 19 months old and an absolute blast to have around.  We adore this family.  Thank you so much, I love you guys.

Roses and cheese cake from Megan's friend Cheyenne.   Both girls sent flowers to each others Moms this Christmas.  It was very sweet and they were beatiful.  I am really looking forward to meeting this girl this summer.

Last but not least, Roses from my daughter.  These were supposed to be Christmas flowers but I call them Megan's apology flowers.  Long story but we both laugh about it.  Love you pretty girl. 

Monday, January 09, 2017

Christmas Pictures

It is cold and very snowy in this small town.  Roads in and out have been closed.  So today I am going to post pictures of Christmas 2016.

I love this kid.  She makes me laugh even when she is bugging me.  She bought this hat in Virginia and said everyone looks at her like she is crazy.  She figured she could wear it at home because no one would give her a second look. She was right. 

 She was a good sport and hung out with me at the Theater.  Jason was doing "A Christmas Story" and she decided to help out with the kids.  I had just gotten my new IPhone and she was teaching me how to use it.  First time with a smart phone.  She is such a butt when it comes to pictures.

Some of my kids that I work with during the plays.  They were playing with Megan's snap chat.  She was really good at keeping them occupied and quite.  I think the kids were a little scared of her.

Meanwhile, this kid finally made it home.  While we were hanging out at the theater, these two were having a good time.   I was so great that all my babies were home for Christmas.  I don't know how many more of these we are going to have.

Speaking of selfies.  I love that Jason is good with me working at the theater.  I try not to bug him to much.  This is Christmas Eve and the rest of the family is watching the play.

I am not really sure how the tradition started but we always go out for dinner on Christmas Eve.  The only place open in this town is the truck stop.  So here we are.  It probably started when we moved here and started going to the family mass at our local church.  Mass would get out but going home to cook dinner didn't leave much time for our next Christmas Eve tradition.

The movies.  Here we are getting ready for the Stars Wars movie.  I don't know which one.  I am not a huge fan.  Side note, while watching this our thoughts were with Carrie Fisher who we just found out had a heart attack.  A couple days later she passed.  So sad.

This tradition is one that started when we first moved from California and our families.  We are used to taking place in huge family holiday parties.  It always starts on the 23rd with my dads birthday, 24th at Steve's Moms house then to my parents on the 25th.  That first Christmas away we felt a little lost and ended up at the mall on Christmas Eve.  We thought what the heck, we don't have anything else going on.  The Christmas Eve movie tradition was born.

I always make the kids wait to get their stockings.  I think I do it just to torture them.  It's fun.  Here they are waiting for Santa to give the go ahead.  

This years Christmas trees and gifts.  Steve really came through for me this year.  Between the play and the flu I was really behind.  So Steve stepped up and got the wrapping done for me.  The funny thing was he mislabeled the gifts and wrapped stuff that shouldn't have been wrapped.  Oh was fun.

Christmas dinner.  Actually a nice one between her and Jason.

Never mind, she is back.  I will always look back at these and laugh.  I have had people really get on Megan about the way she takes pictures, but it's these that I will always remember.  I like pictures that reflect their personalities.  This sums it up.

Anthony decided to get in on the fun.

Ahhhhh.....The family.

Another one of my beatiful Kids.  Man I miss then.  This picture makes me sad that they are growing up and moving on in their lives.  But happy that they are happy.

I had to add this picture.  What can I say about her.  She is definitely special.

Unfortunately, she had to leave the next day.  I am amazed to say that she got most of this in one suitcase.

The next day and it's getting close for her to leave for the airport.  Here she is with two of her best friends.

Last dinner with Megan.  We ate at Buffalo Wild Wings, her favorite.  I felt so lucky that Anthony could make the trip with us.

You gotta love this picture.  She ended up posting it on facebook.

I would like to take a moment and thank American Airlines.  The let us have gate passes so we could go stay with her until she boarded.  It was amazing. They are really good to the military.

As I am sure you know, they call wheel chair people first then active military members.  I was surprised at how many of them there were.

Just like that she was gone.  I loved that she stopped for a quick picture.  Her plane was delayed a bit and our hotel was close.  I continued to text her while she was sitting and waiting to take off.  She was laughing about all the loud rowdy children in the airport.  I got a text letting me know that they were all sitting around her.  She was back in Virginia and tucked into her apartment before we left the next day.  

We left pretty early the next morning.  It is a 4 hour drive back to our home town in good conditions.  Believe me, it was not good conditions.  That day the main highway back home was closed.  We stopped at the town closest to the closer and wasted time.  Anthony and Steve tried their hand at a little gambling.  Jason and I went and saw the movie "Sing". 

The roads opened about 20 minutes before the movie got done.  We hit the road but it was a long drive home.  The roads were not good, but we made it home safely.

 Anthony spent a couple more days at home before he left.  The three of us went out for dinner on New Years Eve before they headed out to celebrate.  Jason had plans and Steve had to work. 

Thinking good thoughts for Anthony today.  He has made the decision to go back to college and today is his first day back. 

I know this was a long post but thanks for reading.  I hope that 2017 is a good one for everyone.

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Boots in the House

This means different things to different branches of the Military.  For some a picture of empty boots is meant to represent those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.  I completely respect that and breaks my heart for those families who have paid that price.

We often hear the phrase "Boots on the Ground."  I don't think I need to explain that.  We hear it on the news, radio and in everyday conversation with our friends.  As a military Mom, it makes my stomach turn.  Yes, my baby signed up for this and I know what it means.  However, I don't have to like it.

For the Navy and more specifically Navy Moms, "Boots in the House"  means our babies are home for a short while.

So while I am so happy to post a picture and say "Boots in the House" this Christmas, I am forever mindful of those whose sailors will not be home and for those who never will come home.

So for this Christmas we had 

Monday, January 02, 2017

Then it was Over

Just like that the Christmas season is over.

I will post some pictures in the next day or two.  I am figuring out my new Iphone.

Here is a quickie.  I am also learning SnapChat.