Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Boots in the House

This means different things to different branches of the Military.  For some a picture of empty boots is meant to represent those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.  I completely respect that and breaks my heart for those families who have paid that price.

We often hear the phrase "Boots on the Ground."  I don't think I need to explain that.  We hear it on the news, radio and in everyday conversation with our friends.  As a military Mom, it makes my stomach turn.  Yes, my baby signed up for this and I know what it means.  However, I don't have to like it.

For the Navy and more specifically Navy Moms, "Boots in the House"  means our babies are home for a short while.

So while I am so happy to post a picture and say "Boots in the House" this Christmas, I am forever mindful of those whose sailors will not be home and for those who never will come home.

So for this Christmas we had 

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