Thursday, March 11, 2010

Good Morning

Just in case you where wondering how I was going to spend my day.

Jason and I have some work to do today. We are putting in a little extra time because we had to take Tuesday off to go to Boise. However, we will be finishing up today with a Magic School Bus book (love these, a good way to introduce kids to science) and a science experiment that requires wire, batteries and a light bulb. Can't wait.

Cooking a pot roast from the Pioneer Woman's cookbook. Uploading some pictures to my flickr account. Going to clean off a spot on my counter that is bugging me. Anthony has his math tutor coming this evening. Figure out where to stuff the rest of my Costco purchases. And to finish out my evening, I will watch a tacky reality show that I have gotten into and drug Steve into it too.

I think that is it. Did I mention doing some laundry too? Ok, need to go because I am already running late.

Have a great Thursday.

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