Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I Am Here

I guess I haven't had anything to say. Well, anyone who knows me knows that isn't true. I have been having some issues with a couple of my favorite computers. So while I have been taking pictures I just have not been uploading them.

Let's's been a while, what has been going on. Anthony didn't make it to state. He came in 6th at districts which is really good. He has the chance to go to Worlds in Reno, but not sure if he really wants to go. Plus it's right in the middle of baseball season.

Yes, Anthony took a day off, then started baseball. He struggled with whether or not to play. He finally decided to go to a practice and see what he thought. It's a new coaching staff this year so he wanted to check it out. He has played for one of the coaches before and liked it. After practice he got in the car and I asked "Well..........?" He says, "Oh yeah...I'm playing." I kind of figured that was going to happen. He loves football and wrestling but there is just something about baseball. He came home last week from practice with a killer deal on his dream bat. It was half off and a deal we just could not pass up. So, sorry Kagen, there is a new love in his life. His season starts next week with 6 games on 3 different nights. Here we go again.

Our good friend Andrew got married this weekend. It was a beautiful ceremony and we are so happy for them. He was worried that he would never find the right girl. Looking at these two together this weekend, we know that his wait was worth it. Congratulations, we know that you will be very happy together.

Megan has started the Philly fundraising craze. Ever year a group of eighth graders get to go to New York, Philly and Washington DC. They start planning and fund raising a year early. Anthony went and now we are getting ready to go. Yes, I said we. This time I am planning to go with them. Megan and I are both excited about the trip, just not looking forward to all the fund raising between now and then.

That is it for now. I hope to get some pictures posted in the next couple of days. Have a good week.

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