Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Home School Update

I haven't done any home school updates or posted any pictures for that matter. My big computer is working now and I once again have access to my pictures and photo editing software. My laptop works really well, it's jut that the big computer uploads so much faster.

DSCF3064 Here is a picture of Jason learning how batteries work. Last weeks science project.

I, like most homeschoolers, worry that I am not teaching him well enough. I have been loosely teaching geography this year. How important is it for a 3rd grader to learn all the countries in the world? This year he has learned all the continents, oceans, that there are over 30,000 islands in Oceania. Brazil is the biggest country in South America and Chile the longest. He knows the routes of Columbus and Magellan took. I have a big markable world map in my kitchen, so he knows where an old classmate of mine lives in Australia and my cousin in Bangladesh. We watched "Night at the Museum," the other night and he asked "Mom, what island is that statue from?" "Easter Island." This is good for a third grader right? I will admit that I learned most of these places too this year.

I really enjoyed listening to Jason discuss Athena's statue, with Megan and Amanda, the sculptor also made the statue of Zeus, which is one of the wonders of the world, and that he was executed. Jason can tell you why. He can tell you who King Henry the VIII is and who his children are. Why they called Queen Mary "bloody Mary" and Queen Elizabeth I the "virgin queen". I didn't teach him that. He knows that they are the Tudors and the next rulers where the Stuart's. He can also tell you about the Showtime show "The Tudors" which I didn't turn off when I fell asleep on night. NOT KID APPROPRIATE. I am still having to answer a lot of questions after that one. I am not surprised that he really likes this time period. Anything that involves beheading is going to spark a little interest. He also rolls his eyes, each time I mention another war involving the Catholics and Protestants.

He does really well in math and I can usually leave him unsupervised while he does his worksheets. However, this is sometimes what he comes up with.
The answers are all correct, it just takes a little while to correct them.

Ok, this is probably more then you ever wanted to know about my homeschooling adventure. I get asked a lot of questions. Mostly from people who don't agree with the whole homeschool idea. The most asked questions is "Don't you worry your not teaching him enough?" Yes, I do. But then I look over the list of things he has learned and I think, he is doing fine.

I really believe this conversation is what education is all about.

"Mom, what was that lady's name that flew the airplane?"
"Amelia Earhart."
"That's her. Can we go to the library today and get a book about her?"

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