Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Things I Learn

A couple of years ago, Anthony wrote a paper about, why he should be allowed to listen to his Ipod while doing homework.  He really thought this out and did a lot of research.  He even convinced me that he should.  Not for all homework but mainly math and other subjects that didn't require reading.

A teacher discovered that letting his math students use their Ipods while working on problems or taking test, the students preformed better.  ADHD students are often distracted by the little sounds going on around us that most people can tune out.  By allowing an ADHD student to us their Ipod they can tune out all the little distractions and can control the level of sound they are comfortable with.  Also, telling the students that if they abused the privilege or didn't complete their assignments they would lose the Ipod privilege.  He found the students wanted to listen to their music and worked harder to keep the privilege.  I tried this out with Anthony.  As long as he was getting his work done and correctly he could listen to his Ipod.

So why do I bring this up?  I don't know if Jason has ADHD or if it is just that we homeschool and that's where the video games, tv, trampoline and all his other cool toys are.  We have days where this kid just can't focus.  So I decided to give this whole music thing a try.  I let him listen to his Ipod but it didn't work out well.  If I let him listen to his choice of music, he would break out in song and dance.  So I tried a cd that teaches Bible verses.  Great cd, but the words were distracting.  To me and to him.  We needed something that was just music.

One day it hit me.  I should be taking this time to introduce some classical music.  I let him choose Beethoven or Mozart.  He chose Mozart.  I picked up a simple book at the library of Mozart's life.  I wasn't looking for anything to detailed, just something to give Jason a feel for who Mozart was.  I also picked up a cd at the library and ordered "Amadeus" from netflix.  Jason didn't get to into the movie however Megan did. 

 Now, during the quite work times we listen to Mozart.  Jason is really enjoying it and has found he likes his music.  Not only is it helping Jason to focus, but he is learning at the same time.  He is in complete awe of Mozart and his story.  I have even found myself leaving the music on throughout the day.  Mozart has always been my favorite composer. 

We might pick up some Beethoven during this weeks visit to the library.  Or maybe we will pick someone that neither of us is familiar with.  Then we will both learn something new.

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