Monday, March 31, 2014


Let's talk about something else, rather then soccer.

Let's talk about this kid.

He has 8 weeks left of school.  Thank God!!!!!!

We are going to do his 8th grade year at home and then I release him back into the public school system for High School. 

Did I mention my baby is 13 now.  It seems impossible to me that this sweet kid, the one who always told me how beautiful I am or how much he loves me, has become a teenager.  And with that comes the teenage attitude. 

He has a girlfriend.  Not sure how I feel about that.

He is looking forward to trying out for a musical this summer.  In a town nearby has a great little community theater.   He was really bummed that he couldn't try out for their current show, because we are traveling for soccer.  But we made a deal, that the next one he could.  He has a good friend who is a veteran at acting and she is working with him to get him ready.  I think he mentioned that once he does a play he will be ready for Broadway. 

He is still working at the local family fun center.  It is so nice to hear the owner brag to people about him.  It's also nice to hear he does dishes and cleans bathrooms.  He sure doesn't do that here.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Soccer, Soccer, Soccer

Sometimes that's what if feels like.  We just do soccer all the time.

This isn't going to be be an all about Megan and soccer blog, but right now that is what this family is doing.  We are traveling 3 - 4 times a week 2 + hours one way so that Megan can play.

They're first game they won of course.

Megan is loving the positive support on the team, and the different coaching style.

This league she is in is more competitive. More opportunity for Megan to grow and develop her skills.

There are two goalies on this team.  So the girls split the time in goal and Megan spends the rest of the time in different positions.

They played her as a forward and a mid.

At one point she told her coach, "I have never played that spot before."  He just said, "You'll be fine."  He was right.

She came off the field with a smile, happy and tired.  Something we haven't seen in a while.

So....if you ask me if it's worth all the travel time.  I would have to say yes. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Where's the Girl

Can you spot her?

The first clue is the orange cleats.  I think I have written about this in the past.  Her favorite color is neon orange.

Follow the cleats up and check out the thighs of steel.  I have watched those thighs launch a full grown Dad across the couch.

Next, check out those arms.  Those arms are in their kicking position.  We have seen this position for the last 13 years.  It is also the happy dance position that she does at Walmart when she gets to buy a redbull.

This child has no style or grace when it comes to gymnastics or dancing.  But you need to see her on the soccer field.  She is absolutely gorgeous.

Friday, March 28, 2014

It Figures

Steve and I never try to beat the Black Friday crowds to the big ticket items.  However, this year we decided what the heck.

Steve and his cousin Rodger decided hey 50" tv for less the $300, why not.  We didn't expect it to last long. Maybe a couple of years.

We didn't expect it to last a couple of months.  Steve decided to buy the warranty with it.  $20, how can you go wrong.  And he was right.

What does that pretty purple line mean??????  It can't be fixed.  It lasted 4 months.  The old tv that went there has been long since hauled off.

Megan is taking this the hardest.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Quess Where This Is????

Can you guess where this picture was taken?

If you said:  Taken at sunset while standing on a soccer field, then you would be right.

Because, where else would we be.

We where waiting for Megan's practice to be over and where watching the sunset through the rain clouds.  Absolutely beautiful.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

On The Road

That seems to be the story of our lives lately.  On the Road.

Megan joined a soccer team that takes 2 hours and 15 min to get from our front door to the practice fields.  No problem, what else would we do with our free time.

This trip however was to Portland and it was for Steve.  We had to go along because it means dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings, Megan's favorite place, and a trip to IKEA.  I think I am the only one who loves this store.  The kid complain but always walk away with something. 

Megan and her computer.  She needed to chat with her buds online.  How else was she going to get the privacy that she requires when staying with your family in a hotel.

Why the bathroom, of course. 

We pass the Multnomah falls every time we head to either Portland or the coast and never stop.  Megan and I have both hiked the trail, but Steve and Jason have never been close to it.  Most of it was closed down because of the flooding we have had but we got close enough. 

On thing I discovered, was the cool new camera bag I just bought is too heavy and bulky.  I struggled with it and decided I am going to have to buy another one.  I got home and opened the thing up and realized that there was 2 IKEA catalogs, 2 kindles and a bunch of other stuff that I didn't put in there.  Not to mention my camera equipment.  Once all the non camera stuff was out I realized it is going to work out just fine. 

We missed Anthony on this trip.  He is working and getting ready for mid-terms.  Over the next couple of days I plan to do update posts on each of the kids. So stayed tuned.