Tuesday, April 17, 2007


The biggest thing to hit this town lately is "DUTCH BROTHERS COFFEE". I am a total coffee anarchist and will not be drug into this espresso driven world. But the other adult member in this family thinks otherwise. "So what" you ask. The big frenzy was that their menu was free last Friday and Saturday. Because of that we now know what Steve's legal caffeine limit is. Let me tell you, that it was not pretty around here come 8pm at night. We are not sure but we know that he made at least 3 trips there on Saturday.
We are still pretty new to this area and to the small town way of life. We learned very quickly the fierce loyalty people have for their coffee places. No one will admit to trying out Dutch Bros, but let me tell you, the lines where at least 25min long all day long. It is great to see people support their local businesses. Java Joe's is a small coffee place, owned by a local woman and very loyal customers. Every coffee place in town (and for small town we have a lot of them) was hurting Fri and Sat., but not Java Joe's. Her lines where still as long as normal.

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