Saturday, November 10, 2007

Martha Stewart???

Nope, just me, but the house is clean (well sorta) and there are all kinds of yummy smells coming from the kitchen. And it has nothing to do with the candle that is burning. It started with a very good breakfast home cooked at that. I am not normally a breakfast maker, I do toast or cereal. I have planned some very yummy breakfasts for the next couple of days. Tomorrow will be strawberry and banana french toast. I baked a pumpkin pie cake, very good, and thanks Charlene for the recipe. Not sure what is for dinner but I am sure it will be wonderful. lol I have been so focused on this upcoming bazaar that cooking has not been at the top of my list. I am totally making up for it today. Poor Stevie, he is working and missing all of this. Who knows, by tomorrow my Martha Stewart mood might be over.

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