Sunday, August 28, 2011

Home School April Fools Joke

I know it is August, but I just found these pictures and had to post them.

Jason loves pulling jokes on people and loves April fools day.  I decided to get him back, homeschool style.

One of the ways that we work on math is to play a train game.  If he gets all the problems right he gets the secret prize located until the towel.


It's a fun way to review boring times tables.  It's April 1st and I decided to do the 5x's tables knowing that it would be easy for him.  Prizes can be a couple of quarters, stick of gum and little toy, whatever I have on hand.  Today's prize:


But this is not what is under the towel.  Here he goes, working his way through the train.


He finishes the game beautifully and here is his prize.


A kiwi.  Was he happy about this?


Nope.  He did cheer up when I gave him the diet Coke.

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