Saturday, August 25, 2007

Great Saturday

First off, I changed the name of the blog. My last one (can't even remember now what it said) sounded a little too Martha Stewart. Not that I have a problem with her, I just believe that the "Zoo" better describes my house.
Second, today I am being a great Mom. I let the kids have donuts for breakfast ( A had a friend over last night) and pizza rolls for lunch. Maybe we will have fish sticks for dinner. LOL A is off at the dollar store now buying some new playing cards so they all can play poker. Surprising enough the kids are really good at it. What am I doing you ask. SEWING.....
I have been working on a quilt for a Christmas gift. It isn't a big quilt but it has lots of little pieces that go together. I am actually enjoying putting it together.
Well, enough on the peter, I am off to my podcast's and sewing machine.

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