Tuesday, June 16, 2009

10,000 Pictures and More...

I have officially taken more then 10,000 pictures on my camera. I have been trying to pass 10,000 for a couple of weeks now, but just couldn't get it done. Jubilation finally put me over. I took over 400 pictures in one weekend. I will post more about Jubilation and some pictures in the next couple of days. Today is just an update of whats been going on in our lives the last couple of days.

A huge thank you goes to our teachers in this district. They voted to take a pay cut in order to help save sports and activities. They also saved a counselors job at the middle school. We went from having to raise $300,000 to having to raise $75,000. Our fees went from $100 to $150 a sport. People are pretty happy (me too, we where looking at having to pay $575 a sport) but I am not overly jumping for joy yet. The $75,000 will be covering transportation and the cost of referees. The Boosters Club is going to take on this task. Last year they where able to raise between $30 and $40,000 all year. Our little town is at 15% unemployment and we have yet another plant being shut down at the end of this month. I am just not sure that we can squeeze this community even more. I am not sure what will happen if we don't make that goal. I am just so thankful for the generosity of our teachers and coach's for making personal sacrifices to keep sports and activities alive at our schools.

An Anthony love life update: Well, it ended this weekend. He really means it when he said he wants to stay friends. He just is not in the same place she is. When he has free time, he would rather be causing bodily harm to his best friend with an air soft riffle then hanging out at the park with a girl. Now if she had a air soft riffle he would remember to call her.

Megan and I are getting ready for VBS to start next week. Yes, I am teaching again. Speaking of teaching, I guess I am teaching Sunday school again next year. I am just not sure what class I will be teaching. The church changed how they will be doing youth groups in the future. They formed a Youth Ministry Counsel. Guess who is on it. I think it is to funny, because they got Steve to be on it too. He never saw it coming.

I guess that is it for updates for now. Have a good day.

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