Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Girl Scout Jubilation 2009

Here are the pictures of Jubilation that I have been promising. There are 26 pictures in this blog for you to enjoy. I took over 500, so you are lucky I only posted 26.

Here are Megan and I getting ready to leave. We drove about 6 hours to get into Idaho.
Jubliation 09

Jubliation 09

Time for opening ceremonies. The girls are not wearing bags for a fashion statement, it was raining and very windy. The Jubiliation committee had to get evacuation policies together because of a major thunder storm working it's way to us. Thank God, we only got a tiny bit of it.
Jubliation 09
The next day Megan and McKenzie went to the Challenge Course. This is for the Girl Scout Cadets and it made both girls feel a little special. They where to only two from their troop to go.

Jubliation 09
Here, they had to get Megan to the other end without her touching the ground. There are about 25 girls on this log.

Jubliation 09
There are 5 tires hanging by ropes. The girls had to make their way across the tires with out touching the ground. They had to use teamwork to get the tires moving and only 3 girls could be on the tires at a time. Much easier then it looks. Megan is a Monkey.

Jubliation 09

Jubliation 09

Jubliation 09

Jubliation 09

Jubliation 09

Jubliation 09

Jubliation 09

Jubliation 09

Jubliation 09

Jubliation 09
Megan is getting ready to go up on the high wire. We where running out of time and the girls moods where starting to fall apart. Because of the storm we had some venue changes. There was a lot of down time and no place to sit without getting wet. By this time emotions where running high and there was a lot of drama. At this course we had 200 girls all between the ages of 11 and 18. I was very proud of my two girls. The three of us worked really hard at staying positive and smiling. Trust me, it wasn't easy, but this was for them not for me.
Jubliation 09

She is so brave.
Jubliation 09
When she gets to this point, all I can see is her face through my camera. She looks just like she did when she was two and I started thinking "What am I thinking, that is my baby up there."

Jubliation 09
Trust me, this is a long way up.

Jubliation 09

Jubliation 09
To get down, she needs to sit back and they will lower her down. NO THANK YOU. McKenzie and I where down below cheering her on. At one point she looks down at me and says "Hey Mom.... I was wrong.... I am afraid of heights."

Jubliation 09

Bags and tents are packed and we are waiting for clearance to go home. There where 1200 girls at Jubiliation this year.

Jubliation 09

Jubliation 09
The girls play a game of Red Rover to pass the time. How sweet right? Nope, Sadie falls in a hole and broke her foot. We are thankful it happened at the end of the trip not the beginning.

Jubliation 09
We stopped at a rest area to have lunch. Look at the clouds behind us. We see them and decide it is time to get moving.

Jubliation 09
This is what we drove into. Don't freak out, I am not taking the picture, Megan is. There was a point where we could only go 25mph.

Jubliation 09
All in all this trip was wonderful. Yes, we really tested the limits of our patience. There is no way I would have missed this trip. I had a great time with Megan and she even told a friend of hers that I was cool. Jessie and Jodi helped make this trip great. We would stay up late after the girls where asleep talking and just giggling. This is the second time I have done Jubilation and this was the most fun I have had. Jubilation 2012 baby.

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