Sunday, October 17, 2010

What a Weekend

I decided earlier in the week that I would not be able to make it to Anthony's football game on Friday and Megans soccer game on Saturday. Jason had been battling a cold about a week ago and by Friday was running a fever. So I stayed home Friday night and listened to Anthony's game on the radio. Another fun fact about small town's, the Friday night football game is broad casted on the radio. Let's just say it was a painful game to listen to and leave it at that.

Jason appeared to be doing better, so I let Megan have a couple of friends sleep over Friday night. Around 11pm Jason's fever shot up. 4am he woke me up crying, couldn't talk and can't catch his breath. He does have asthma but not very often. It does tend to flair up when he is really sick. I am prepared for this and let's face it, this never happens in the daytime. I calmed him down and hooked him up the to the machine and let it do it's thing. After 30minutes I made the decision that it was off to the ER.

Steve walked into the door right at the right time. He took over with the kids and off I went. Right in he went. His breathing did mellow out, but it was decided to do chest x-rays. He wanted to know if they were going to get the paddles on him and yell clear.

The poor kid has pneumonia. Today is Sunday and he is starting to feel better. He still has a little fever but I think by tomorrow that will be gone. We are keeping up on the breathing treatments. He is tired with being sick and he wants to be outside.

So of course I didn't make Megan's game either. I can't tell you how much I enjoy receiving a text message from my daughter letting me know that she thinks her tailbone is broken. A phone call next time would be nice. Apparently she was getting ready to kick the ball for a goal when her foot was kicked out from under her and down she went. Off to the ER again. After another set of X-rays, it was determined that the tailbone isn't broken but bruised. I know there isn't much you can do for your tailbone but I wanted to make sure everything else was OK. I once blew Anthony off when he said his ribs hurt and it turned out to be a bruised spleen. How bad is it that I know the ER staff on a first name basis? When I made my trip to the ER, Anthony went with me. The X-ray tech saw him and wanted to take him down to see the new machines. Great....

So today, Megan is moving around a lot better. She agreed to miss Mondays game and she is out of P.E. for the week. They are playing soccer in P.E. right now. She figures, she will get to hang out on the side lines and argue soccer rules with her teacher.

It is the first time in a long time that I can honestly say, Thank God this weekend is almost over.

I hope yours was better.

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