Monday, July 14, 2008

Just a Quickie

I am just getting ready to make my way to bed and I am tired. The kids are having a hard time going to sleep because they are excited about seeing Lady Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie Kelli. They are all a little bummed that Jessica couldn't make the trip. They are halfway here and spending the night in a hotel. They will be here sometime tomorrow.

Today VBS started. Anthony is in the play and taking pictures. Megan is a group leader and Jason is just a participant. Me, what am I doing, oh yeah.....I am a teacher. I am doing community corner which is all about serving your families, friends and community. I am really excited about tomorrow. We have a visitor who is going to come talk to us about what it was like growing up in Africa. Thank goodness it isn't to hot this week. We are having to do most of the day outside. The church classrooms are being upgraded and are all torn apart. The rooms need to be painted and I was informed I volunteered my family to adopt a room to paint. I am pretty sure I didn't volunteer but what are you going to do. With my luck, our room will be ready to paint the same week my parents get here. Wait a minute......This sounds like a good project for Andrew. Shhhhhhh, don't tell him. He never reads my blog so he'll never figure it out.

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