Monday, July 21, 2008

What a weekend

Steve's parents left on Saturday and have made it home safely. We are so glad they made it up and I really wish I had more time to spend with them. Steve was able to take a couple of turns off and be here. We went to a great restaurant their last night here to celebrate my birthday. We never did get to the cake, we finally had some last night. This is the first time his sister has been here. We are going to start pushing her to come back and bring the rest of the family. Next time hopefully me and the kids won't be so scheduled up and we can do more things. Oh, and Kelli, we saw some elk up on the highway today and thought of you. We talk about the animals we see in town and won't you know that we never say anything the whole time they where here. It always seems to work out that way.
While they where here they got to see both kids play soccer.
Poor Jason was so tired that week that he was pretty sluggy during his game. But let me tell you that he is catching up on his rest now. Megan on the other hand was all over that ball. She scored a goal but of course we missed it. Excuse me for the brief Mother bragging moment: The referee pulled her aside to give her a couple of pointers. He told her that he has been a goal keeper for 20 years and never seen someone her age this good. Anthony takes full credit for her goal keeping skills. After all it was him that has thrown a ball at her for the last 10 years.
Yesterday was my birthday day and we celebrated by going to a water park. It is a small one but it was a lot of fun and a great way to spend a hot afternoon. Steve packed the ice chest with all kinds of sandwiches, snacks and drinks. The place wasn't to packed that we could see the kids while lounging around. Jason hung out on the big slides most of the day. I got to read a book, fall asleep in the sun and play in the water. I don't have any pictures because I decided to leave the camera in the car and just have fun with the kids. It was great. Thanks guys for a wonderful day. I had a kid at VBS who told me happy birthday and at least your not as old as my mom. She is like 40. Yeah, I am older. lol

Up coming events in this house. more soccer games, another football camp, the county fair, a visit from my parents and just crazy every day life in this house. Stay tuned........

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