Monday, November 24, 2008

That Time of Year

Turkey thawing out, picking out pictures for Christmas cards, deciding what dishes to cook for Thanksgiving and a sick kid on the couch. Yep, it's the beginning of the holiday season. Although it is usually me who gets sick this time of year.

Poor Megan is home with strep throat. A trip to the doctor and a couple of shots, she is home on the couch and watching TV. Her dad is curled up on the other couch watching TV with her and giving her moral support. OK, he is just watching TV.....

We got out last weekend to take some pictures for our Christmas cards. We finally had a weekend with OK weather and everyone was home. Not an easy thing to do in this house. I only got 80 pictures because I ran into a problem with my camera. Santa......are you listening. I know, 80 pictures seems like a lot but I usually take around 200. It usually takes that many to get some good usable ones. You try to take a good picture of 3 kids. I can't post any of them here because when I went and did a little editing I tripled the size of them. It takes about 1/2 hour to upload 3 pics. I need to go back and fix that.

Anthony is mending well. He has been through 3 practices and hasn't had a new injury. So, hopefully that will be the end of the injury's for this sport. We still have baseball to go.

Jason will be singing a solo in the family Christmas eve mass this year. This will be his third year singing in the choir. I asked him if he was going to be nervous and he said "Why, I have a beautiful voice." I can't argue with that. He gets his modesty from his father.

I will post some pictures later this week. Everyone who is traveling this Thanksgiving, be safe.

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