Wednesday, November 19, 2008


What a crazy day. I am not going to rehash it because it makes me tired all over again.

I think I mentioned somewhere that Anthony has started wrestling again. He really wanted to take the winter off, so he didn't try out for basketball. So instead he lets himself get talked into joining the wrestling team.

Friday night during practice he gets hit in the nose and fractures it. Nothing serious, just some bruising and a little black eye. He says it is feeling better today. The Doctor didn't seem to concerned about it.

Yesterday, however, they where practicing a new move. His friend picks him up then they both fall the floor. Anthony landed on J's closed fist.

So he complains that his side hurts. When we finally take a look, it really looks like he broke some ribs. Up to the ER he goes (at 9:30pm) and it's not his ribs. The swelling is coming from just above his spleen. In to a cat scan to make sure his spleen is ok. The good news is that everything is fine. He has a rib contusions (bruised ribs) and an abdominal muscle strain. Thank God, it could have been much worse. He took today off from school because they didn't get home until 1:30am.

So, how long is he out of wrestling? Today and that is it. The doctor said the best thing to do was get right back to practicing. Steve talked to the coach and he feels terrible. Hey, it's sports and injuries happen. I would just prefer they don't happen to my son.

All of this has happened the first week of practice. I am not going to make it through the rest of the season. It ends in February, in case you are wondering.

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