Sunday, October 26, 2008

47 - 0

Yes that was the final score of the homecoming football game. And no we did not score the 47. The other team also spray painted our goal posts purple. Not a good night for the tigers. There is always next year.

Today I am spending most of the day in the kitchen. I need to get my freezer stocked. Plus, I promised the kids some of their fall favorite treats. Carmel apples, pumpkin bread, peanut butter and chocolate cookies (OK, that one is mine) and some other things. I am also starting to think about what I am doing for Christmas this year. Last year I sprained my shoulder 3 weeks before Christmas and my baking suffered. My lovely sweet nephew said he understood, but you could hear the disappointment in his voice when he found out there would be no "Aunt Chris's famous Peanut Brittle".

Enough with the Christmas talk. I am going to start stressing myself out about it and it's not even Halloween yet. I should start stressing out that we don't have our pumpkins done and my decorations are still a box in the middle of my living room. We did go to the pumpkin patch yesterday and here are some pictures of that. The pumpkin patch and maze is located on Anthony's football coach's parents place. They do a very cute job and it was a lot of fun.


Teenagers are good for something. I didn't have to carry this thing.
Megan, not in a good mood and would not smile for a picture. She had her hand up telling me no pictures. I think this one was the best shot of the day.

DSCF6947 This was taken in the maze, and it was a close as Jason would get to it.
pumpkin patch They are plotting what they would like to do to scare kids this Halloween. With the talk of scarring people, Megan's mood started to get better.

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