Friday, October 03, 2008

A Long Post and A Long Week

I know, I know it has been a while since I posted. I started working on Monday, it is fun, but it is going to take a little while to get used to. We have one kid in the school right now but we have several others that are thinking about it. It is a little frustrating that there are so many people just not sure about the "Catholic" thing. I don't know what people think us Catholics are going to do their children. Oh Well, what are you going to do?

Let's see where should I start. OK, lets start with Jason.
He is in love. We already talked to him that girl friends are not appropriate at 7 years old. He brought home a note from his new love. In the note she says that she has a crush on him and not to show anyone this note. Of course, he showed us. Again we said it's OK to be friends but you are TOO young for a girlfriend. Later he gets upset when he realized that he showed us the note after she said not to. I told him he did the right thing. He says, and I am quoting here "she might get mad at me and break up with me. You guys might be happy about that but it will break my heart." Then he started to cry. I told him that if she is a nice girl she won't get mad. He keeps using the word "relationship." Where is this child getting this stuff. I need to check out what he is watching on TV.

August Visit 2008
Not too much new going on here. Just football, school and youth group. We haven't done too much with the "Shinning" but we are going to put some time in this weekend. I am proud of him because he is having a problem with math and he is going to school early to work with the teacher. It could be that we said his grades had to be good to get a drivers license. He wants to drive really really bad. Amazing enough, he has a science teacher that doesn't believe that global warming is made man.

Megan and DJ too:

Megan is really struggling right now. She has been very emotional and finally broke down last night. DJ is leaving next week. She has been hard at work putting together a comic book for him. I see cartoon drawing in her future. She is really good and her imagination is unbelievable. We have been in contact with DJ's foster family. Let me first say that these people are amazing. There is a special place in heaven for them. She knows how important this friendship is to both kids and assured us that she would not let DJ leave without saying goodbye to Megan. As soon as she knows the date she will let us know. She is also hoping to have a party for the kids.

Megan and I went shopping for gifts for him. I have been taking pictures for an album that is almost done. Well I hope so anyway. Every time I think I have put the last picture in, I come across another one. I know everyone by name at the Walmart photo counter.

Roger, Steve's Dad:
He is doing really well and please keep him in your prayers. For Doreen as well. Roger has a good positive attitude going and that is really good.

And last but not least, Steve:
He has been working on getting our dresser refinished. But is having some problems. There are some very fine details in this dresser that are proving to be a challenge. The weather has turned nasty and he doesn't have a spot in the garage to work on it. It is also October which means that hunting season is getting under way. Steve is not a hunter but everyone else is on the RR. So over the next few weeks he will be putting in a lot of time covering turns. He is going to take a little time off next week so that he can go to Jason's parent teacher conference and catch one of Anthony's games. He has yet to make one.

As for me (no pictures) I really don't have all that much going on. Yeah right!
Quick note: right after I typed that last sentence, Jason called because he forgot his homework. "It's treasure box day MOM PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE bring it to me." I did get a big hug from him when I brought it in.
Back to me: hehehe I am teaching First Communion class at the church. Helping with dinners for the high school youth group and filling in to help once a month at the middle school youth groups. Life at night should slow down a little bit because Megan's last soccer game is next weekend. I am also going to do reading groups again for Jason's class. I did step away from Wed lunches at the church but that was the one thing I didn't want to give up. I love working with Charlene and the high school kids. I do have to admit I love being part of the preschool and kindergarten program. I know that this is going to be part of something big. Father Christopher is very optimistic and I love the smile of excitement that he gets when he sees the room.

Our plans for the weekend: Anthony is off to a friends for the night. Megan another soccer game in WA that hopefully Steve will make it back in time for. Tonight we are going to try and get DJ and go see Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Alter service for the kids tomorrow night and Sunday school the next day. With that, I have to say goodbye because I have dishes, laundry and a Sunday school lesson plan that needs to get done. Plus my ipod is full of podcast's about last nights debate that I am dying to listen to.

Have a good weekend.

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