Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

We miss being able to spend it with you. This time of the year is always difficult not being able to be with our families. But as I have always said, you are welcome here any time. If you where here, you would be enjoying a white Christmas.

All the gifts are wrapped and under the tree. Cookies are baked and fudge is made. Tomorrow I will be getting up early and hitting the grocery store to get some last minute items for Christmas dinner. I will be baking a Buche De Noel (Yes, I have been watching the food network) and a cheese cake for Christmas dessert. Homemade cinnamon rolls for during the present opening, and a wonderful casserole for after the presents. Ham and all the trimmings for dinner. Yummmm!!!!

Christmas eve we will go to the family mass at the church. Jason will be signing in the choir and Steve with the kids will be doing alter service. I might help out but generally I hang back and help with whatever needs to be done. Charlene knows she can count on me to help with whatever needs to be done last minute. Usually I help keep the choir under control. Plus, I can't be on the alter and taking pictures at the same time. Somehow, I don't think Fr. C would approve. After mass, we head home, quickly change cloths and then off to the movies. I know it sounds strange, but we started doing this once we moved away from CA.

Steve's parents always have a big party on Christmas eve. The first year we moved it felt really strange not have a party to go to. We ended up at the mall watching all the people last minute shop. We decided to take the kids to a movie and we have done it ever since.

I am sure I will have pictures of the chaos. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas.

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