Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Soap Box

It's been a long time since I pulled out my soap box, but lucky for you it's coming out today.

First off, this post is not directed at anyone person.  Because it has happened more then once.

Email, test message and facebook are not the way to deliver bad news.  And by bad news I mean a death in the family.  A couple of years ago, someone emailed me about a very close family member who had passed away.  They were just trying to keep me posted.  I had already heard about it an hour before, but what if I hadn't.  Is this really the way you want to hear that kind of news.

Last night a post went out on facebook about a cousin who passed away.  My Mom hadn't had a chance to get a hold of my brother or myself.  I don't want to point the finger of blame on the person who made the post, she didn't know.  And I am sure she didn't know our relationship.  And she didn't know that this is the second person that found out passed away on facebook. Let's face it, everything about peoples lives are out there on facebook.

Today I am just very sad.  I hadn't seen this cousin who passed in a few years.  As a kid, I spent a lot of time on her families farm.  She was older then I am but she always took to time to do things with me and was always super nice.  I will forever remember her beautiful smile and bubbly personality.  I always looked up to her and was excited when I knew she was going to be around.  Today I am praying for her family who is dealing with this tragedy.

That's it, putting away the soap box. 

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