Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I didn't get a post up yesterday.  I had one all figured out and I think it was a one too.  As I sat down to start typing, Megan walked in and started to describe a stomach pain she was having.

She has not been feeling to hot for a couple of days, not eating right the usual for this time of year.  But last night she came in holding her stomach and describing a pain that hurts like nothing she had ever felt before.  A quick check on the Internet and sure enough the spot she is pointing to is were her appendix are.

I decided not to take a chance and ran her to the E.R. 11pm.  She had some tests done and it was not her appendix.  However, when the doctor pushed on her stomach, it hurts right were the appendix are. 

She was to funny, because she had no idea what the appendix were.  She texted her friend and told her what was going on.  Her friend says, "Did it burst?"  Megan looks at me and yelled, "it can burst??"  She wouldn't believe me when I told her the cure is surgery.  She ended up talking to the doctor about treatments.  She wasn't crazy about the idea of surgery until she found out how much school she will miss.

To bad for her, she went to school today.  No surgery but she gets to wear the wrist ID bands to school today.  I guess this is a big deal at school.

So anyway, I am back to posting.


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