Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Bad, Bad Day

for the 7 year old. I won't go into details but it was not a good day to be Jason. Poor kid, it started right when he got home and didn't stop until he finally had to go sit in the car at Anthony's baseball game. After I got him home and in the bath (a garbage can incident) he tells me, "Mom ........ it is really hard to be a little guy." I told him that today was hard to be the mommy. He apologized, turned on the tv in his room, crawled into bed and fell asleep. Unfortunately I had to ground him until Sunday. I am hoping for a better day tomorrow.

I was just looking at the picture of Anthony below. Don't you just love that shirt. It is his favorite one. I threatened to get rid of it so he started hiding it. Since I really didn't want him to wear a smelly, holy shirt, I made him a deal that I would not throw it out and he would not wear it to school or church anymore. I showed him the picture and said "look at what you look like." He said "your right, I look pretty good." At that moment I realized, he is his father and yet another argument I lose.

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