Monday, June 16, 2008

It's Been Awhile

I know it has been awhile. I can't even say that I have been real busy or that I have nothing to say. I just haven't been on the computer much with the kids home. Steve is home from Sacramento and had a really good time. His Dad has been feeling really good. Steve also went to Andrews graduation and came back with pictures and videos. I had to laugh because he was trying to take a picture with his parents and an aunt but had the camera on video. It's pretty comical. The drive to Boise and back wasn't to bad, but it did cost at the gas station. We are having to add the price of gas into our travel plans, which we really never paid that much attention. I can't say we are cutting out any trips but we are watching the in between driving.

Anthony is off at football camp. I hope he is enjoying himself. He has been a cranky, moody mess for the last couple of days. I know a lot of this is because he is that age where everything we do and say is WRONG. A lot of it is because he has over scheduled himself. We finally had to it him down to talk about all his activities. He is at camp this week, he will come home on Thursday and be gone again on Sunday for a week at church camp. He figures he can still play one last baseball game and be back in time for All Star try outs. He still will have weight training for football during July and August he will start daily doubles (hell week). Did I mention he has a new girl friend, more about that in a minute. We asked him if he wants any time with friends, camping or just hanging out and doing nothing this summer. His answer of course was "yeah" followed by the eye roll. Ok, I get why rolling my eyes bugged my Mom so much. We told him that baseball needs to end. We know he loves it but he needs to make a choice. Either do baseball this summer or football, but it can't be both. He decided to end baseball and focus now on football. He has a new girlfriend who is very sweet. She came to his last game and sat with us. Of course, it was the worse game Anthony has every played. She made him a pie and brought it over to the house a couple of nights ago. He says it was good but he wouldn't share. She invited him over for cake at her house. He realized he would be meeting her parents for the first time. What he didn't know was that he would also be meeting her grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and even the great grandfather (who wouldn't talk to him, just stared). He says he had fun and her parents are as weird as we are. Sounds like good people to us.

We have had a couple days of good weather, so we have been working in the yard. I had to replant my tomatoes, the last ones just didn't make it through the cold weather we where having. My flowers have started to bloom and look so pretty. We are hoping that this means summer is finally coming. It feels good to see the sun again.

I think I have you all caught up. Fathers Day, we did nothing but go to the movies. A good relaxing day. Here is a picture of Megan with her banana slug named Sluggie.
Have a good Monday.

Megan and Sluggie

Megan's Banana Slug

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