Saturday, June 28, 2008

He is home

...and he looks like he has grown a few more inches. He got home a couple hours late because they had car trouble on the pass. Yukkk what a awful place to get stuck. He got home in time for dinner and we headed off to see the movie (good one too). He has a lot of stories and met a lot of different people from all over. Rafting was the highlight of the trip of course, but it sounds like he really enjoyed the religious side of things as well. They prayed the rosary every day and he can pick out some Bible quotes that he thinks relate to his life. He spends so much time focused on sports, school and girls that it is nice to see him focus on something else positive in his life. Thanks Charlene and Kari for organizing a great trip. He is looking forward to working at camp next year and sharing the experience with his sister.

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